
Waves of Immigration to Canada

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    The Aboriginal Peoples

    The Aboriginal Peoples
    From 20 000 BCE to 10 000 BCE
    -Where: Settled across North America, developing many different ways of life based on different environments.
    -Why: Aboriginal peoples are rumoured to have been following a food source into North America
    -Fact: Abriginals are thought to have travelled across a land bridge from Asia. (Beringia)
    -Picture: A map of what Beringia is thought to have looked like at the time.
  • French Explorers

    French Explorers
    From 1600-1760
    -Who: Settlers from France.
    -Where: The East coast of Canada.
    -Why: To look for riches in the New World.
    -Fact: They did not find gold and precious minerals. They only found fish and fur.
    -Picture: The flag of France at the time.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    From 1815-1850
    -Who: Europeans
    -Where: All over Canada
    -Why: The Industrial Revolution increased the unemployment rate throughout Europe, so they fled to Canada.
    -Fact: A failure of potato crops in Ireland and political unrest throughout Europe also induced immigration to Canada
    -Picture: A map of Europe in 1815
  • Post-Confederation Immigration

    Post-Confederation Immigration
    From 1867-1914
    -Who: Eastern Europeans
    -Where: The Praries
    -Why: Canada wanted many people to move to the Praries in order to farm.
    -Fact: In order to get immigrant sto come to Canada, an advertisement campaign was launched.
    -Picture: An advertising poster.
  • Post-War and Mid-Twentieth-Century Immigration

    Post-War and Mid-Twentieth-Century Immigration
    From 1919-1969
    -Who: European countries affected by the war.
    -Where: Throughout Canada.
    -Why: People dealing with the hardships of the war were attracted to Canada.
    -Fact: The Great Depression reduced the immigration rate dramatically for the time being.
    -Picture: A scene from WWI
  • Recent Immigration Patterns

    Recent Immigration Patterns
    From 1970-Present
    Who: People from countries other than Europe.
    Where: Throughout Canada.
    Why: Europe's economy recovered, so now Canada is looking for skilled workers from other countries and continents.
    Fact: This is when a great number of people from Asia began immigrating to Canada, with 50% of immigrants to Canada are coming from Asia.
    -Picture: A table listing top 10 source countries for immigration.