Timeline of immigration issues

  • The arrival of English settlers in America

    The arrival of English settlers in America
    English settlers were not the fisrt people to live in America. Native Americans were here first, so technically English settlers were "immigrants" at one point in time.
  • Pennsylvania's Immigration Law was created

    Pennsylvania's Immigration Law was created
    Was not completely enforced in the beginning in 1927, but in 1729 ships were forced to put down their anchors a mike out at sea. This would allow American health inspectors review the immigrants coming in. This stopped people bringing in new diseases and created a way of taxing.
  • Irish Immigration in the US

    Irish Immigration in the US
    A lot of the origional settlers did not like the Irish coming into America, because they did not agree with their culture and the fact that they are Catholic. This caused a lot of conflicts because the Irish wanted schools to teach more on a catholic
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
    The treaty that ended the Mexican-American war allowing the United States to have territory of states such as Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.
  • The US Congress attempt immigration control

    The US Congress attempt immigration control
    Commissioner of Immigration was appointed and immigration labor contracts were created.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Restricted Chinese laborers from coming to America for approximately ten years.
  • 1886The Statue of Liberty

    1886The Statue of Liberty
    A symbol of freedom.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    Caused many Mexicans to cross the border and later in World War one the demand for them increased.
  • Immigration act of 1917

    Immigration act of 1917
    Denied entry to immigrants from eastern Asia and the Pacific Islanders. With Entry they had to take a literacy test if the were sixteen and over and pay a tax.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor US President signed the executive order to send tens of thousands of Japanese to internment camps. Along with some Italians and German's getting arrested and accused for violating their civil libeerties.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    If immigrants were not in the states by this date they were considered aliens.
  • AFL-CIO Labor Union Supports Amnesty for Immigrants in the United States Illegally

    AFL-CIO Labor Union Supports Amnesty for Immigrants in the United States Illegally
    Undocumented immigrations were denied civil rights even though they contribute to their communities and workplaces.
  • Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act

    Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act
    If an immigrant has a visa than they cannot be denied in the United States or questioned.
  • "Minutemen Project"

    "Minutemen Project"
    In Arizona, a group of people patrolled the border and tracked down undocumented immigrants.
  • US Supreme Court Upholds Centerpiece of 2010 Arizona Immigration Law

    US Supreme Court Upholds Centerpiece of 2010 Arizona Immigration Law