Immigration Act of 1990
The Immigration Act of 1990 increases the limits on legal immigration to the United States. However, revised the grounds for exclusion and deportation. -
Armed Forces Immigration Adjustment
Act that provided special immigration status to those who served in the United States armed forces. This was important because it gave immigrants a way to immediately apply for naturalization. -
National Count of Unauthorized Immigrants
In 1994, the Immigration and Naturalization Service did a detailed estimate on the number of illegal aliens. The number came out to about 3.4 million people. -
Immigration and Terrorism
The United States tightens it security because of the tradgedies in OKC and at the World Trade Center. This act showed how American and Immigrant relations was getting a little rocky, as a result of a couple incidents. -
Denial of Public Assistance
Personal Responsibility and Work Oppurtunity Reconciliation Act denies most forms of public assistance to the moajority of legal immigrants. -
Illegal Immigration Reform and 300,000 New Citizens
Congress rewrote a couple condition that would have previosuly resulted in deportation. As a result, 300,000 central Americans became legal residents. This was a victory for both the US and those desiring to become a citizen. -
Military Support along the Borders
Terrorist attacks result in an increased military presence along the borders. -
"Minuteman Project"
Men in Arizona, who have become fed up with illegal immigration, decide to take matters into there own hands and patrol the border. This project shows the hostility and poor relations that some have with immigrants within the United States. -
Secure Fence Act
Act that authroized the construction of hundreds of miles of double layered fencing that is designed to keep immigrants from crossing the border. -
Arizona and Illegal Immigration
Arizona enacts the most restricive immigration bill in the country. Makes being in the state a crime if your an illegal immigrant, and all immigrants are required to carry paperwork. -
Decrease in Immigration
Immigration is reported to be down by 2/3rds from 2000-2005. Obama administration credited it tough laws for the decline. -
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
VAWA provides a temporary visa and creates a way to legalization for undocumented immigrants who are victims of domestic abuse. -
New Unauthorized Immitgrant Estimates
The US Dept. of Homeland Security estimated 11.8 million unauthorized immigrants are living in the states. They conclude that 59% of these people are from Mexico. Statistics like these often ruin relations between immigrants and citizens. -
US Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law
US Supreme Court upheld the Arizona Law that imposed sanctions on businesses that hired illegal immigrants. -
President Obama Signs Deferred Action
Obama allows some undocumented immigrants who came into the country as children to stay in the country. This moment was a strong relation builder between both sides.