Catherine II of Russia confines Jews
Catherine II of Russia confines Jews to the Pale of Settlement and imposes them with double taxes. Pale of Settlement
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Massacre of Jews in Algeria
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Pope Pius VII reestablishes the ghetto in Rome
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Hitler is Born
At 6:30 p.m. on the evening of April 20, 1889, he was born in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn just across the border from German Bavaria. -
Hitler's Father Dies
In the town of Leonding, Austria, on the bitterly cold morning of Saturday, January 3, 1903, Alois Hitler, 65, went out for a walk, stopping at a favorite inn where he sat down and asked for a glass of wine.
He collapsed before the wine was brought to him and died within minutes from a lung hemorrhage. It was not the first one he had suffered. -
Hitler's Mother Dies
On January 14, 1907, Adolf Hitler's mother went to see the family doctor about a pain in her chest, so bad it kept her awake at night.
The doctor, Edward Bloch, who was Jewish, examined her and found she had advanced breast cancer. Adolf Hitler sobbed when the doctor told him she was gravely ill and needed immediate surgery. A few days later, Klara Hitler, 46, was operated on and had one of her breasts removed. But the operation was too late. Her illness, malignant cancer, would slowly ravage h -
Hitler Moves to Vienna
The beautiful old world city of Vienna, capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with its magnificent culture that had seen the likes of Beethoven and Mozart, now had a new resident, a pale, lanky, sad looking eighteen year old named Adolf Hitler.
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Hitler Injured in the Battle of the Somme
Hitler, unlike his fellow soldiers, never complained about bad food and the horrible conditions or talked about women, preferring to discuss art or history. He received a few letters but no packages from home and never asked for leave. His fellow soldiers regarded Hitler as too eager to please his superiors, but generally a likable loner notable for his luck in avoiding injury as well as his bravery. On October 7, 1916, Hitler's luck ran out when he was wounded in the leg by a shell fragment. -
Hitler Joins the German Workers Party
Corporal Adolf Hitler was ordered in September 1919 to investigate a small group in Munich known as the German Workers' Party.
The use of the term 'workers' attracted the attention of the German Army which was now involved in crushing Marxist uprisings. On September 12, dressed in civilian clothes, Hitler went to a meeting of the German Workers' Party in the back room of a Munich beer hall, with about twenty five people. He listened to a speech on economics by Gottfried Feder entitled, "How and -
Nazi Party Formed
Adolf Hitler never held a regular job and aside from his time in World War One, led a lazy lifestyle, from his brooding teenage days in Linz through years spent in idleness and poverty in Vienna.
But after joining the German Workers' Party in 1919 at age thirty, Hitler immediately began a frenzied effort to make it succeed. -
Hitler Delivers "Twenty-Five Theses" Speech
Given responsibility for publicity and propaganda, Hitler first succeeded in attracting over a hundred people to a meeting in held October at which he delivered his first speech to a large audience.
The meeting and his oratory were a great success, and subsequently in February 1920 he organized a much larger event for a crowd of nearly two thousand in the Munich Hofbrauhaus. Hitler himself was not the main speaker, but when his turn came he succeeded in calming a rowdy audience and presented a t -
Hitler Discharged from the Army
Hitler was discharged from the army in March 1920 and with his former superiors' continued encouragement began participating full time in the party's activities. -
Hitler Become Leader of the Nazi Party
By early 1921, Adolf Hitler was becoming highly effective at speaking in front of ever larger crowds.
In February, Hitler spoke before a crowd of nearly six thousand in Munich. To publicize the meeting, he sent out two truckloads of Party supporters to drive around with swastikas, cause a big commotion, and throw out leaflets, the first time this tactic was used by the Nazis. -
Hitler Released from Prison
A few days before Christmas, 1924, Adolf Hitler emerged a free man after nine months in prison, having learned from his mistakes.
In addition to creating the book, Mein Kampf, Hitler had given considerable thought to the failed Nazi revolution (Beer Hall Putsch) of November 1923, and its implications for the future. -
"Mein Kampf" Published
Although it is thought of as having been 'written' by Hitler, Mein Kampf is not a book in the usual sense.
Hitler never actually sat down and pecked at a typewriter or wrote longhand, but instead dictated it to Rudolph Hess while pacing around his prison cell in 1923-24 and later at an inn at Berchtesgaden. Reading Mein Kampf is like listening to Hitler speak at length about his youth, early days in the Nazi Party, future plans for Germany, and ideas on politics and race.
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Hitler Meets Eva
Born in Munich, Eva Braun was the second daughter of school teacher Friedrich "Fritz" Braun and Franziska "Fanny" Kronberger, who both came from respectable Bavarian Catholic families.
Her elder sister Ilse was born in 1909 and her younger sister Margarete "Gretl" was born in 1915. Braun was educated at a lyceum, then for one year at a business school in a convent where she had average grades and a talent for athletics. She worked for several months as a receptionist at a medical office. -
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Hitler Rises to Power through the Great Depression
Stock Market Crash
Stock Market Crashes, causing the Great Depression. -
Hitler runs for Presidency
In February 1932, President Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to run again and announced his candidacy for re-election.
Hitler decided to oppose him and run for the presidency himself. "Freedom and Bread," was the slogan used by Hitler with great effect during the Nazi campaign against tired old President Hindenburg.
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Hitler is Granted German Citizenshio
In 1932, Hitler intended to run against the aging President Paul von Hindenburg in the scheduled presidential elections.
His 27 January 1932 speech to the Industry Club in Düsseldorf won him, for the first time, support from a broad swath of Germany's most powerful industrialists.Though Hitler had left Austria in 1913, he still had not acquired German citizenship and hence could not run for public office. -
Hindenburg Appoints Hitler Chancellor of Germany
On the morning of 30 January 1933, in Hindenburg's office, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor during what some observers later described as a brief and simple ceremony. -
Adolf Hitler First Reveals his Foreign Policy Goal of Conquering the Lebensraum
In a meeting with his leading generals and admirals on 3 February 1933 Hitler spoke of "conquest of Lebensraum in the East and its ruthless Germanisation" as his ultimate foreign policy objectives. -
Reichstag Fire Decree
The Reichstag Fire Decree is the common name of the Order of the Reich's President for the Protection of People and State issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg in direct response to the Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933. -
Enabling Act passed by Reichstag
The Enabling Act was passed by Germany's Reichstag and signed by President Paul von Hindenburg on March 23, 1933. Reichstag-German for Parliament -
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Night of the Long Knives
The Night of the Long Knives or "Operation Hummingbird", was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany between June 30 and July 2, 1934, when the Nazi regime carried out a series of political executions, most of those killed being members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary Brownshirts. Adolf Hitler moved against the SA and its leader, Ernst Röhm, because he saw the independence of the SA and the penchant of its members for street violence as a direct threat to his power. -
Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany
After President Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934, Hitler replaced the offices of chancellor and president with a single dictatorial position by declaring himself Führer ("Leader") of a new German Reich – the Third Reich.
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Axis Powers formed through Anti-Comintern Pact
The Anti-Comintern Pact was concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan (later to be joined by other countries) on November 25, 1936 and was directed against the Communist International (Comintern) in general, and the Soviet Union in particular. On November 6, 1937, Italy also joined the pact, thereby forming the group that would later be known as the Axis Powers. -
Munich Agreement
The Munich Agreement was an agreement regarding the Sudetenland, which were areas along borders of Czechoslovakia, mainly inhabited by Czech Germans.
The agreement was negotiated at a conference held in Munich, Germany among the major powers of Europe without the presence of Czechoslovakia. It was an act of appeasement.
(Appeasement-the act of satisfying) -
The Damascus Affair
False accusations cause arrests and atrocities, culminating in the seizure of sixty-three Jewish children and attacks on Jewish communities throughout the Middle East.
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Hitler Commits Suicide