250,000 BCE
2.5 billlion AC
Evolution of the genus Homo in Africa. -
200,000 BCE
500.000 BC
Neanderthals evolve in Europe and the Middle East -
200,000 BCE
200.000 BC
Homo sapiens evolves in East Africa -
45,000 BCE
45.000 BC
Sapiens Settle in Australia -
30,000 BCE
Extinction of Neanderthals -
16,000 BCE
16.000 BC
Sapiens settle in America -
4250 BCE
4.250 BC
First empire was the Akkadian Empire of Sargon -
2500 BCE
2.500 BC
The Persian Empire started -
13 BCE
13.000 BC
Extinction of Homo floresiensis. Homo sapeins was the only surviving human species -
12.000 BC
Agricultural Revolution happened. Domestication of plants and animals