Timeline of he Jefferson Presidency! (and then some...)

  • 1. Election Day!

    1. Election Day!
    The election of 1800 occured and there was a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Congress held a tiebreaker vote and Thomas Jefferson won!
  • Period: to

    Timeline of the Jefferson Presidency! (and then some...)

  • 2. The Judiciary Act of 1801

    2. The Judiciary Act of 1801
    The Judiciary Act of 1801 was passed, allowing John Adams to make hundreds of appointments before leaving office.
  • 4. Marbury Vs. Madison

    4. Marbury Vs. Madison
    Marbury Vs. Madison established the three principals of judicial review. These three principals were that the Constitution is the law of the land, the Supreme Court has the ruling over constitutional issues, and they must rule against any laws that go against the Constituton.
  • 3. Tripoli

    3. Tripoli
    In 1801, Tripoli declared war on the United States of America.
  • 5. Louisiana Purchase

    5. Louisiana Purchase
    Congress approved the Louisiana Purchase and doubled the size of America.
  • 8. Pirates!

    8. Pirates!
    In 1804, pirates seized the U.S. warship Philadelphia.
  • 7. Election of 1804

    7. Election of 1804
    In the election of 1804, Thomas Jefferson was re-elected.
  • 6. Duel!

    6. Duel!
    In July of 1804 Hamilton and Burr have their infamous deul!
  • 9. The Expedition

    9. The Expedition
    In 1804, Lewis and Clark began their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • 10. Expedition Pt. 2

    10. Expedition Pt. 2
    In 1805, Lieutenant Zebuln Pike led another expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
  • 12. Tripoli War

    12. Tripoli War
    In 1805, the war on Tripoli ended with a peace treaty.
  • 11. Journal Entry

    11. Journal Entry
    In 1805, Lewis wrote this historic journal entry:
    "Buffalo Elk and goats or Antelopes feeding in every direction . . . The buffalo furnish us with fine veal and fat and beef. . . . We have not been able to take any fish for some time past. The country is as yesterday beautiful in the extreme."
  • 13. Embargo

    13. Embargo
    In 1807, the Embargo Act caused the unemployment rates in New England to rise.
  • 14. Election Pt. 3

    14. Election Pt. 3
    In 1808, Thomas Jefferson was not re-elected for a third term.
  • 15. Embargo Pt. 2

    15. Embargo Pt. 2
    In 1809, the Embargo Act was repealed.