Grey hat hacking

timeline of hacking

  • the first "hack"

    the first "hack"
    the fist "hack" was a in 1879 by switching telephone lines
  • Phreaking

    the hacking of phones by copying tones and high pitch sounds from it to make so they didn't have to pay for long distance calls
  • Phreaking in the paper!

     Phreaking in the paper!
    becomes well known after a magazine published a article about phreaking artists and inspired many people to become phreaks, this article talked about blue boxes (used to make the tones)
  • Diverters

    business in the 1980s to 1990 didn't have a directed call so they had to buy equipment for it, by connecting to lines for an automated answering. but phreaks realized there was an open tone after the message and they would wait allowing them to get free calls at the business costs
  • famous hacker: Kevin Mitnick

    famous hacker: Kevin Mitnick
    he hacked into the NORAD (north american defense command)
    along with another hack in 1989 hacking into Digital Equipment Corporation
  • famous hackers: Kevin Poulsen

    famous hackers: Kevin Poulsen
    as a teenager he hacked the pentagon and later hacked it again, he was arrested and turned into an ethical hacker after coming out of jail
  • famous hacker: Michael Calce

    famous hacker: Michael Calce
    Ddos attacked many major companys such as Yahoo, Ebay, Dell, and CNN
  • famous hacker: Adrian Lamo

    famous hacker: Adrian Lamo
    hacked into the new york time network in 2002 before he had hacked into content management systems making fake quotes from Attorney General John Ashcroft
  • famous hacker: Gary McKinnon

    famous hacker: Gary McKinnon
    a uk hacker who hacked the usa government looking for UFO info
  • famous hacker: Jeanson James Ancheta

    famous hacker: Jeanson James Ancheta
    using a botnet (strings together systems) he compromised half a million machines. first time a hacker got jail time for using a botnet
  • famous hackers: Aaron Swartz

    famous hackers: Aaron Swartz
    Aaron was an internet hacktivist who hacked MIT's account to access JSTOR that holds academic research papers and journals and downloaded millions of studies
  • recent phreaking

    recent phreaking
    the most recent phone hacking was in Pakistani were they arrested a hacker who stole 50 million from phone hacking business PBX systems