Timeline of Genocide

  • Schutzstaffel Organized

    The Schutzstaffel, more commonly known as the SS was an organisation that was basically elite soldiers. Created by Adolf Hitler, this group affects the people they kill or arrest.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor, this affects the whole world because he starts a world war.
  • Hitler Claims Emergency Powers

    Hitler got emergency power by claiming the communists burnet down an important building in Germany. This affected the whole world because he started a world war
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    The Nazi party tried to boycott Jewish business, it was largely unsuccessful and abandoned. This badly affected the Jews, because they were being discriminated against.
  • Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases

    This law allowed the weeding out of non germans. This affected non Germans in Germany because they were being sterilized.
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    This law by the German government allowed people who seemed like a threat to society to be imprisoned. It affected the jews because it was mostly used against them.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Germany imposed laws that discriminate against the Jews. This law affected the Jews (big surprise) because they were being discriminated against.
  • Reichszentrale is created

    This was a German organization to distribute propaganda throughout Germany. It affected a lot of German people because they got wrong information
  • Nazi’s Occupy Rhineland

    The Nazis invaded and took over Rhineland. This affected the world because GErmany was breaking the Versaille treaty.
  • Period: to

    Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass

    This was when Hitler's Brown Shirts went around and destroyed Jewish property. It affected the Jews because they were being targeted.
  • Einsatzgruppen, Starts

    Einsatzgruppen were special SS tasked with killing Soviet Jews and political enemies. This affected the Soviet Jews and other people they killed.
  • Lodz Ghetto Opens

    The Lodz Ghetto was the second largest ghetto in Germany, it manufactured supplies for Germany. This affected the Jews and other people in the ghetto because they were being forced to work.
  • Yellow Star for German Jews

    These were yellow stars that Jews were required to wear. It affected them because it was the start to a lot of bad things.
  • St. Louis Ship (with Jews)

    This was a ship with about 900 Jewish refugees, they were denied refugee by all the countries they asked. This affected the Jews because they had to go back to Germany.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany invaded Poland, and this started WWII. It affected the Polish because they were being invaded
  • Auschwitz Opens

    Auschwitz was a large scale concentration camp, tasked with killing as many Jews as possible. This mainly negatively affected the Jews.
  • Madagascar Plan presented

    It was an idea by the German government to relocate all the Jews to the island of Madagascar. This affected the Jews because they would be the ones relocating.
  • The Commisair Order

    This was an order to execute any and all Soviet political commissar. This affected the soviets because their people were being killed.
  • Wannsee Conference

    This was a meeting in which the German government decided the final solution to the Jews. This affected the Jews because they were going to be killed.
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    The Zigeunerlager was a concentration camp for gypsies. It negatively affected the gypsies because they were being forced to work and being killed.
  • Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos

    All the Jews still in ghettos were to be relocated to concentration camps. This affected The Jews because they were going to concentration camps.
  • Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz

    While Mengele was at Auschwitz he performed many cruel experiments on the prisoners, this was not good for them because they suffered and died.
  • Last Gassing at Auschwitz

    This was the last gassing at Auschwitz before they evacuated. This affected the prisoners because some of them got killed and the rest had to relocate.
  • Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz

    Auschwitz was ordered to be destroyed to try and hide the mass killings they commited. This affected the prisoners because they had to relocate
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    Auschwitz was liberated by the soviet army. More than 7000 prisoners were liberated. This affected the prisoners at Auschwitz because they were being freed.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler committed suicide in fear of what would happen to him. This affected the world because they didn't have to worry about what he does.
  • International Military Tribunal

    This was the trial the captured Nazis leaders faced. They were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity and more. This affected the world and jews because they didn't have to worry about the Nazis anymore, and the Jews wernt being persecuted anymore.
  • Capture of Adolf Eichmann

    Adolf Eichmann was a Nazi SS officer, he was captured by and tried for war crimes. This affected the Nazis because one of their own was captured.
  • Dr Josef Mengele Dies

    Mengele managed to elude capture for 34 years, he had a stroke while swimming and drowned. Buried under another name, authorities found his remains and confirmed it was him. This was good news for everyone, because a Nazi had found a missing Nazi.