Timeline of Frontier Wars

By TomHu
  • Pinjarra

    Captain James Stirling planned to create a settlement south of Perth at Pinjarra was "thwarted by the Murray Tribe". Stirling told the colonial office they threatened to destroy all whites in the district if a check wasn't made on them. This check occured on the 28th of October, when Stirling and 24 other soldiers cornered about 80 people from the tribe and killed a large number of them. His excuse was that he needed to reduce their tribe to weakness.
  • Yeelanna, Eyre Peninsula

    Shepherd Patrick Dwyer, annoyed at Aborigines from stealing flour from his hut, laced his supply with arsenic. The flour disappeared and 8 Aborigines became sick after eating, causing them all to die. He was arrested on suspicion of murder but soon released due to lack of evidence. He then moved to California.
  • Waterloo Bay, Elliston, Eyre Peninsula

    In response for the killing of two settlers and stealing food, a settler posse chased a group of Wirangu people to Waterloo Bay and shot and killed at least 14 as they hid in the bushes down the headland.
  • Woolgar River

    A party of native police led by Walker were sent out to "clear" the region for settlers.
  • La Grange

    Three white explorers went missing while searching for gold. These explorers were found murdered, clubbed and speared while they slept. Maitland Brown wrote in his journal that he was prepared to arrest any Aboriginal people he found guilty. He said that any natives that attempt to attack or resist us will justify itself in exterminating them. The party travelled until they found a group of Karadjarri People and killed about 20 of them in retribution.
  • Ravensthorpe (Conconurup/Kukenarup/Carracarrup)

    Noongar people helped the Dunn brothers build their sheep station, but John Dunn was killed after he raped a girl. Dunn's overseer on the property gathered a large group of local men and shot over 30 Noongar people.