
Timeline of Exposure to Traditional - New Media

  • 2500 BCE

    Papyrus (Egypt)

    Papyrus (Egypt)
    The papyrus produced in Egypt was used for many purposes, but none more important than its function as a writing material. Occasionally, individual sheets were sold for the purpose of record keeping and lists, but the majority of these sheets were fashioned and sold as scrolls. The existence of papyrus is an essential part of studying the history of Egypt because it contains the most relevant facts and information about the past events occurred in the Egyptian Civilization.
  • 2400 BCE

    Clay tablets

    Clay tablets
    A clay tablet is a surface that is roughly flat and composed of clay. Scribes imprinted texts in wet clay using a reed stylus. They were frequently sun-dried and occasionally heated in kilns. Clay tablets are an essential way of storing information before the invetion of paper. Because of them people in the past could store information that could last for thousands of years.
  • 500 BCE


    A codex is essentially an ancient book, consisting of one or more queries of sheets of papyrus or parchment folded together to form a group of leaves or pages. This form of the book was not widely used in the ancient world when it slowly but steadily began to replace the traditional book form, the papyrus roll. Codex is essential in the preservation of our history. It is quite fascinating that after so many years, words, figures, and symbols can still be seen and read.
  • 206 BCE

    Dibao (China)

    Dibao (China)
    Dibao, which translates to "reports from the (official) residences," was a term used to describe a classification of publications produced by the central and local governments in imperial China. Other names for them include "palace reports" and "imperial bulletins." They were intended to be viewed only by bureaucrats and contained official announcements and news. Dibao, is the first newspaper in the world and literally means that it is the report from the residence of China.
  • 130 BCE

    Acta Diurna (Rome)

    Acta Diurna (Rome)
    Acta Diurna - “Events of the Day” - were the daily public notices, written on metal or stone, about political and social events that were posted in certain public places around the ancient city of Rome. It is the first and only newspaper of the ancient world that was founded by Julius Caesar. As the very first newspaper to ever exist on Earth, its invention has played an enormous role on influencing the preceding significant innovations that follow and that benefits us.
  • Newspaper

    A newspaper is a publication with news, information, and advertising that is often printed on cheap newsprint paper. The articles are typically published daily or once a week and might be of broad or specific interest. The publishing of newspaper allowed news and information to spread quicker and farther, reaching more people than before.
  • Typewriter

    Typewriter is a electromechanical machine with keys for producing alphabetical characters, numerals, and typographical symbols one at a time by means of keyboard-operated types striking a ribbon to transfer ink or carbon impressions onto the paper inserted around a roller. It is really an interesting machine that helped bring speed to writers, productivity to offices, and convenience to workers that made people consider using today as they want to experience how it works.
  • Telephone

    A telephone is a device created for simultaneous voice transmission and receiving. It functions by transforming the sound waves produced by the human voice into pulses of electric current, transmitting those pulses, and then turning those pulses back into sound. The development of the telephone greatly aided our ability to communicate with one another while separated. It developed as a crucial tool for enhancing interpersonal communication.
  • Motion photography / projector

    Motion photography / projector
    Dickson unveiled the Kinetograph, an early motion picture camera, in 1890. Motion Photography is a rapid succession of images projected on a screen, each with the placement of an object slightly altered, giving the impression of one continuous image with the objects moving. Since the development of motion photography/projection, our society has become increasingly visual recipients of information.
  • Printing press

    Printing press
    Printing Press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink. I think one of the most useful inventions before is the printing press. it has allowed common people to have copies of books in a mass scale since before, books were considered rare and valuable; so only a few have them.
  • Television

    Television is a telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sounds over long distances. The television was not invented by a single person, but by a number of scientists' advancements contributing to the ultimate all-electronic version of the invention, dating back to 1873. It is one of the main media channels we use today. Moreover, the audio visual character we perceive from televisions educates all ages and enhances creativity and imagination.
  • Large Electronic Computer - EDSAC

    Large Electronic Computer - EDSAC
    EDSAC was an early British large-scale electronic calculating machine in which ultrasonic delay units are used for storage of orders and numbers. It is one of the first practical general purpose computers, transforming research methods and contributing to at least three Nobel prizes. Considering how people worked really hard to invent and replicate such a big operating system like EDSAC for the benefit and ease of the user makes it more remarkable for me.
  • Large Electronic Computer - UNIVAC 1

    Large Electronic Computer - UNIVAC 1
    UNIVAC machines were huge mainframe computers the size of vehicles or large pieces of equipment. UNIVAC I, as the first successful civilian computer, was a key part of the dawn of the computer age. This invention was quite helpful because it made tasks back then much simpler and quicker. Because it was much smaller and used less energy, it also contributed to the development of small, powerful computers like the personal computer.
  • Mainframe Computer - IBM 704

    Mainframe Computer - IBM 704
    For calculations in engineering and science, a large-scale computer called the IBM 704 Data Processing System was used. The machine has a set of instructions that provide for the most versatility with the least amount of programming work. This marvelous invention was a symbol technological innovation. Being able to handle complex math, it was very reliable for scientific and commercial applications.
  • Personal Computer - Apple 1

    Personal Computer - Apple 1
    The Apple Computer 1, originally released as the Apple Computer and known later as the Apple I, or Apple-1, is an 8-bit desktop computer released by the Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) in 1976. At first glance, I thought it was a typewriter but to my surprised, it was one of the first personal computers before. Significantly, it had opened many new possibilities for users and system manufacturers before.
  • Laptop

    A laptop computer, which manufacturers sometimes occasionally refer to as a notebook computer, is a battery- or AC-powered personal computer that is typically smaller than a briefcase and designed to be taken and utilized in temporary settings like libraries, makeshift workplaces, and meetings. The creation of laptops continues to astound me since it benefits us in so many ways. As a portable device, it makes our work much simpler and more effective.
  • Tablet

    A tablet is a wireless, mobile computer that features a touchscreen. The tablet form size is often larger than a smartphone but smaller than a notebook computer. The invention of tablet computers made it possible for a normal person to use a high tech device within the reach of their hands.
  • Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer
    Internet Explorer is a free web browser that enables users to view websites on the internet. It is also known as IE or MSIE. Additionally, it is used to access online banking, internet marketing, streaming video, and many other things. Microsoft released Internet Explorer 1.0 as a Windows 95 operating system add-on in July 1995. The Internet gives us beneficial data, information, and knowledge for personal and social improvement.
  • Google

    Google is an American multinational technology company that focuses on search engine technology, online advertising, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and consumer electronics. It organizes the world's information and makes it universally accessible and useful. Google became very convenient as it has a lot of benefits that enables its users to access everything with ease, impacting the lives of many.
  • Facebook

    Facebook, originally called TheFacebook, is one of the largest social networks in the world which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues, or people they don't know, online. It was created and founded by Mark Zuckerberg and other colleagues in 2004. It may or may not be used appropriately, but either way, its influence and mark have spread far and wide to even think of removing it from our grasps.