Steam Engine
James Wall designed the first steam engine. -
Declaration of Independance
The American 'Declaration of Independance' is signed; meaning America is a seperate country from England. -
First Fleet
The first fleet lands in Botany Bay, creating the first colony in New South Wales. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution starts b ecause of high prices of bread and the aristocrats creating high taxes so they can make more money. -
Mr. A. Volta creates the first battery, which stored energy and could release it when needed. The unit of Current 'Volt' was named after him. -
Textile Workers
Textile workers in England smash up the machinery as a form of strrike for better conditions. -
George Stephenson builds passenger railway -
People's Charter
The publication of the People's Charter and every man can now vote if they are over 21. -
Edward Hargraves finds gold in Ballarat, a gold rush ensues -
Abraham Lincoln frees the slaves. This is important to humanity as their is no more cruelty to our own kind and there should be no more menail jobs for no payment. In extention, it started the action against discrimination that was only completed in the 1960's. If this had not happened, there would be no menial jobs, because the slaves would be doing them; for no pay. -
Torpedo reinvention
Because of improved technology, the torpedo gets a revamp. Before, it re sembled an arrow; but because of the improvement of the science of hydrodynamics; it transformed into a more efficient shape. This allowed more successful torpedo killings because of the dependable shape, and an extremely improved speed due to the design feeding water into the propellor. This is relevant to life today as it helped the advancement of marine engine and created many jobs for women in the wars, and helped... -
Torpedo Reinvention CTD
... It helped lead to our victory in the Great and Second World Wars. -
The convict transportation ceases in WA. -
The Modern Bullet
Colonel Edward Rubin improved the bullet so that it came with black powder in a cratridge with the bullet on top as opposed to the soldier weighing an amount of powder, then putting it in, packing it as tight as possible, then lighting the wick, then shooting. This imapcted the world because this made auomatic weapons possible, as well as having fast reloads and more presice firing power. If the bullet was not reinvented, there would still be manually packed rifles, which are very impractical... -
The Modern Bullet CTD
and have inconsistent firing patterns -
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla invented the tesla coil. It is a device that emmits electricity, searching for an earth. The electricity will go for the nearest conductive material that is earthed. Nowadays it is used mostly for entertainment, but when it was first patented it was used to transfer data between gaps in telephone wire where there could not be any and also for transfering radio signals from the studio the the tower. -
Nikola Tesla Continued.
If the Tesla coil was not invented, there would be such thig as radio, xrays, mobile phones and artificial lightning makers. -
The Federation of Australia
The Federation of Australia forms, this includes:NSW, QLD, WA, SA, TAS and VIC. -
Rabbit-Proof Fence
The Rabbit-Proof Fence is a fence that runs across the side of WA to stop rabbits from populating Western Australia. It was created because the WA government did not want rabbits to populate their land. This is relevant to modern life because if there was not a fence there would be rabbits in high numbers all across Australia, also there wold be diseases rampant in the city and rural areas because of the viruses that they carry. -
The Wright Brothers made the first aeroplane that was controllable in velocity and direction. -
The first Car
Henry Ford creates the Model T, the first car to have the same setup as the cars today. -
The 'Unsinkable' ship hits an iceburg and sleeps with the fishes -
WWI ends
The Germans lose the Great War, and is split up.