Timeline of Events Experienced by Wilhelm Engel

  • Birth

    Born in Frankfurt Heddernheim
  • World War I Begins (age 6)

  • "War Zone" declared around Britain (age 7)

  • Lusitania is sunk (age 7)

  • Battle of Verdun Begins (age 8)

  • Zimmerman Telegram is sent (age 9)

  • The US declares war (age 9)

  • Germany launches the Spring Offensive (age 10)

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II flees (age 11)

  • World War I Ends (age 11)

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed (age 11)

    Germany was to accept responsibility for the war - to disarm, concede territory, and pay unrealistic reparations.
  • Nazi Party is formed (age 12)

  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party (age 13)

  • Mein Kampf is published (age 17)

  • Hitler is appointed as Chancellor (age 25)

  • The Reichstag Fire Decree is passed (age 25)

    This allowed the Nazi government the legal authority to imprison anyone who opposed them.
  • The Gestapo is established (age 25)

    To maintain "order" in the government, especially during the war.
  • Nazi Book Burning takes place (age 25)

  • Hitler becomes Fuher (age 26)

  • The Axis Powers are formed (age 29)

  • Wolrd War II Begins (age 32)

  • Hitler declares war on the US (age 34)

  • Death (age 36)

    Buried at Im Osten
  • Wolrd War II Ends