Richard Skonecki is born.
The turning point in the great depression.
timeline of 193The turning point in the great depression changed alot of the americans lifs. Many people, even the poorest people in America supported the president and held great faith in the chang the depression so they can get back the there feet. -
richard begins his first day of elimentary school at St. Stanislaus school
timeline of 1940The 1940s got swallowed up in World War II. Many baseball players and other celebrities went to war, and much of American culture was focused around it. -
Birth of the Green Latern
All american comcs came out with the Green Lantern. -
Arab israeli war
The United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain under international control administered by the United Nations. -
Richard begins his first freshmen year at boys Tech high school.
Richard begins his career at Sorgel Electric.
Unemployment dipped to 3.3%
Timeline of the 1951Unemployment droped to 3.3% in the US and new roads were built to take the ever increasing numbers of cars including the New Jersey Turnpike. -
Richard marries Rose Dykas.
JFK cancels campaign
Timeline of 1660s.October 20th President Kennedy cancels remainder of his campaign trip because of an "upper respiratory infection." -
Burns draft cards
1964 May 12th twelve young men in New York publicly burn their draft cards to protest the war -
Richards son, David Skonecki, is bord.
Isreal air strike
timeline of1967June 5th Israel launches Operation Focus an opening air strike on airfields around the Sinai Peninsula at the start of the Six-Day War -
Richard's daughter, Dianne Skonecki, was born
Richard begins his first football coaching job at St. Roman school
Watergate Scandal
tieline of 1972The beginning of the biggest political scandal in modern times and the start of the Watergate Scandal. -
Richard goes on his first trip to Las Vegas.
timeline of 1973Inflation has a significant impact on peoples lives around the world with the UK inflation rate running at 8.4% and the US running at 6.16% . -
Protests on the Berlin wall
Timeline of 1989There was alot of people protesting against the Berlin Wall bringing about the collapse of The Berlin Wall and the East German.