Timeline of Events 1850-1861

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    This book was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and is about slavery. People had mixed responses to the book like the North who praised it and some southern people who's opinions it changed. The other side of those opinions were southerns who thought that it was misleading and it pushed them to fight harder to have slaves. The North was also fueled by it but in the opposite way because it made them want to stop slavery more.
  • Republican Party

    The Republican Party was founded because of the oppostion to the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the spread of slavery in the west. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President and his election caused the cession of some states before he even took office. Thise cession would also play a role in leading to the Civil War.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Missouri Compromise had previously prevented slavery in this area but this act allowed Kansas and Nebraska to vote on whether they wanted to allow slavery or not. The Senator who drafted it was Stephen Douglas. Kansas became a center of violence and turmiol because people from the North and South moved their to vote on slavery in that region.
  • Bloody Kansas

    This event that lasted 6 years was basically a Kansas Civil War. This was caused by the North and South entering Kansas after the Kansas Nebraska Act. This area was riddled with violence and turmoil because of conflicting views in this area.
  • Brooks-Sumner lncident

    This incident was caused by a debate by Brooks and Sumner over slavery in Kansas. Brooks who was pro-slavery beat Sumner with his cane after tensions in the debate rose. The South backed Brooks and saw him as doing good even after the incident.
  • House Divided Speech

    This speech was made by President lincoln who was anti-slavery in Illinois at a Republican Convention. He basically talked about how the Slavery debate was rising and that if they wanted to be free they had to do it soon before it was too late.
  • Election of 1856

    Democractic Candidate Buchanan won this election. His support mainly came from the South. The Democrats viewed him as a step up from the former more contriversal president. The Democrats did not favor the Republicn candidate and spoke out on their negative views on him.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott was a slave and his owner had died when he decided to fight for his freedom and eventually took his case to the Supreme Court. The basis of his case was that he was taken by his owner to free areas of the country and lived in them for a while so he should be free. The decision not only went against Scott and said that he was not a citizen or free but decided agaisnt the Missouri Compromise. This case was opposed by the North who was against the spread on slavery in this area.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    This was one of the four proposed constitutions for the state of Kansas. It was written by people who were for slavery. The Constitution was trying to prevent the abolishment of slavery. Thsi was clearly supported by pro-slavery South and opposed by the anti-slavery North.
  • Lincoln Douglas debates

    There were a total of 7 debates between Lincoln and Douglas. They were held in Illinois and mainly on the issue of slavery. Doulglas held the stance of "popular soverignty" while Lincoln did not. The Freeport Document was Douglas bascially saying that the Supreme Court should not proceed over the people and caused many Southern Democrats to not support him and led to Lincoln's election in 1860.
  • John Brown

    John Brown was an abolitionist who was hanged for treason, murder, and rebellion. He led the raid on Harper's Ferry and freed slaves. His supporters saw his work as him doing what God wanted to be done while others saw him as a criminal and thief. His actions were those of anti-slavery before the Civil War.
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    Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry was an arsenal located in then Virgina that was raided by John Brown and 21 followers. The intentions were a slave revolt or rebellion of some sort. John and his followers were abolitionists and John was seen as someone sent by God to carry out his will. This was considered an act of treason, rebellion, and murder which he was hanged for.
  • Secession

    The victory of President Lincoln in the election of 1860 caused the secession of 11 slave states to secessed from the Union. This was due to Lincoln being a Republican who were know for wanting to stop the spread of slavery in the west. The other states succeeded after Lincoln sent troops into South Carolina which began teh Civil War and led to some states north of South Carolina to have to choose between the Union or Confederacy.
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln who was the Republican candidate won this election. His views against slavery led to some states to secessed and ultimately the last straw for the South. Lincoln sent forces into one of the sucessed states in 1861 which marked the start of the Civil War and the division between the Union and Confederacy.
  • Lincoln's 1st lnaugural Address

    This Address was given by President Limcoln and adressed slavery and the succession. He talked about keeping slavery in teh South but completely abloshing it in the North. He also discouraged the states succesion from the Union. He also mentioned property and taxes. This still did not get the South to support him.