Timeline of Eras

  • 1200

    Start of the Agricultural Revolution

    The agricultural revolution started around 12,000 years ago. This was when people started using the land for farming. This increased populations.
  • Start of the Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution, replaced the animal muscle with fossil fuels the use of machines was used and many factories opened
  • Spinning Machine

    "James Hargreaves invents the Spinning Jenny, which allows workers to produce multiple spools of thread at the same time."
    This probably helped people by making clothes more accessible
  • First Factory Ever

    The first factory in the world, "Richard Arkwright is the person credited with being the brains behind the growth of factories. After he patented his spinning frame in 1769, he created the first true factory at Cromford, near Derby."
  • First Factory US

    The first factory in the US
  • Strict Laws Passed Around Machines

    "Parliament passes a law making it illegal by penalty of death to destroy industrial machines." This shows how seriously machines were taken and what a necessity they were
  • Railways

    "George Stephenson commissions a 30-mile railway to be built from Liverpool to Manchester."
    This must have helped people with trade since it is quicker to transfer