Timeline of Egypt

  • 3150 BCE

    King Menes founds a unified Egypt(North and South Nile, to Elephantine)

    Also the first pharaoh of Egypt
  • Period: 3150 BCE to


  • 2011 BCE

    Military Government established

    President Mubarak steps down and hands power to an army council. Goes on trial in August, charged with ordering the killing of demonstrators.
  • 1948 BCE

    Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria attack the new state of Israel.

    However, Egyptian army's poor performance increases unpopularity of King Farouk, and leads to the rise of Nasser
  • 1250 BCE

    Mameluke becomes ruler

    characterised by great prosperity and well-ordered civic institutions.
  • 969 BCE

    Cairo becomes capital of Egypt

  • 669 BCE

    Assyrians from Mesopotamia conquer and rule Egypt

    Ashurbanipal conquers Egypt
  • 642 BCE

    Egypt conquered by Arabs

    Islam starts to become the main religion of Egypt
  • 525 BCE

    Persian conquest.

    King Cambyses II conquers Egypt
  • 332 BCE

    Egypt conquered by Alexander the Great

    "Liberated" with a Macedonian dynasty
  • 33 BCE

    Orthodox Christianity becomes main religion of Egypt

  • 31 BCE

    Egypt comes under Roman rule

    Queen Cleopatra commits suicide after Octavian's army defeats her forces.
  • 1517

    Egypt absorbed into the Turkish Ottoman empire.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte's forces invade

    Repelled by the British and the Turks in 1801.
  • Muhammad Ali establishes dynasty

    It goes on to reign until 1953, however when it was founded, it was part of the Ottoman Empire
  • 1859-69

    Suez Canal built, but it and other infrastructure projects near-bankrupt Egypt and lead to gradual British takeover.
  • Egypt formally becomes a British protectorate.

  • Fuad I becomes king and Egypt gains independence

    British influence still persist until 1950s
  • Six Day War

    Leaves Israel in control of Sinai up to the Suez Canal and Egyptian-occupied Gaza. Emergency Law largely suspends civil rights. Remains in force with brief break in early 1980s until 2012.
  • Suez Canal Reopened

    The Suez Canal is re-opened for first time since 1967 war.
  • Egypt developing alternative energy

    Egypt is one of at least six Arab countries developing domestic nuclear programmes to diversify energy sources, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports.
  • President Sisi wins a second term

    Won in election against a sole minor opposition candidate