Australopithecus Afarensis
The Australopithecus Afarensis was located near the African Afar triangle. They were 3ft tall and they were a mix of human and ape. They had long arms, and their jaw stuck out. So far scientist have not found any trace of tools that these early people used. But scientist did fid out that these early humans walked on two feet. They also used their hands for defense. -
Homo Habilis
The Homo Habilis were alive 1.5- 2 million years ago. They were located in Africa. They were a mix of ape and human. Walked on two feet. The only difference between the Homo Habilis and the Australopithecus Afarensis is that the Homo Habilis was taller and had a bigger brain. They used rocks as chopping tools, and bones as digging sticks. They were the first to make tools and the first to live in groups. -
Homo Erectus
The Homo Erectus lived 1.8 million years ago to 2,00,000 Bc. They were located in Java an island in Asia, Europe. They were taller and thinner than the other two early humans. They were stronger, and their forehead didn't stick out as much as the other's.They used stone hand axes and were the first to use fire. They were also the first to not be afraid to migrate -
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
The Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis lived 280, 000 to 30, 000 years ago. They were located in the Neander Valley Germany. They had thick bones. And their brow ridge is shorter and stockier but stronger than modern man. They made more than sixty types knives, and spears. They were the first to hunt in a group. And they were the first to bury their dead.They lived with modern humans on the same land. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
They lived 35,000 to 12,000 Bc. They were located in Africa but they migrated across the globe. They had high rounded skulls large brains and they had small teeth and slender bones. They attached blades to other tools. they made tools for ingraving, sculpting. And made needles for sewing. When they hunt they hunted from a distance. They also were the first to make cave paintings.