Period: to
timeline of early humans
australopisus aferensis
3 - 4 million years ago
from africa
about 3 feet tall
had no tools
walked on two feet
gatherd food and had long arms -
homo habalis
2 million years ago
from africa
larger brain looked more like human than lucy
tools: rocks for choping spears blades
walked on two feet lived in groups and made traps -
homo erectus ( upright)
dates: 1.8 million to 2 thousend b.c.
from asia
round head stands up straight + taller and thiner and strong bones.
tools hand axes made of stone fire!!!
nomads 1st to leave africa good walkers and runners learn to cook ate meate built shelter -
homo sapian neanderlenzes
lived from 230,000 to 30,000 ago
location neander valley eroupe
thick bones big brown brows shorter but staker than modern humans large brains
60 types of tools knives scrapers spear points and blades
lived and travled in groups organized hunting barried their dead -
homo sapian
35 thousend to 12,000 b.c.
from africa and migrated all over the world!!!
high rounded skuls large brains small teth
stone blades engraving sculptin tools shelters made from earth and stone
beter tools beter shelters beter clothing .