Timeline of Early Embryonic Development

  • Day 1: Fertilization

    Day 1: Fertilization
    The sperm penetrates the egg.
    It takes about 24 hours for a sperm cell to fertilize an egg. When the sperm penetrates the egg, the surface of the egg changes so that no other sperm can enter.
  • Day 3: Division

    Day 3: Division
    The Cells Start to Divide. The fertilized egg starts growing fast, dividing into many cells. It leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterus 3 to 4 days after fertilization.
  • Day 9: Implantation

    Day 9: Implantation
    After it gets to the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium.
  • Day 18: CNS formation

    The neural groove (future spinal cord) forms over the notochord with a brain bulge at one end.
  • Day 23: Heartbeat

    Day 23: Heartbeat
    the heart begins to beat in Humans. It is the first functioning embryonic organ formed
  • Day 32: Growth

    Day 32: Growth
    Upper and lower limb buds begin growing. The brain continues to develop.
  • Day 56: End of Embryonic Period

    Day 56: End of Embryonic Period
    All major organs are formed now, but they are too immature for the fetus to survive out of the womb.