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Timeline of Colonial Events

  • First permanent Spanish settlement is established in St. Augustine

    First permanent Spanish settlement is established in St. Augustine
    This settlement was established in present-day St.Augustine, Florida.
  • Roanoke Colony disappears

    Roanoke Colony disappears
    In 1590, Roanoke Colony mysteriously disappeared and is still know as the Lost Colony.
  • Jamestown was established

    Jamestown was established
    In 1607, Jamestown, Virginia was established.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe get married

    Pocahontas and John Rolfe get married
    In 1614, Pocahontas, from the Powhatan Indian tribe, and John Rolfe, a Jamestown settler, got married.
  • House of Burgesses formed

    House of Burgesses formed
    In 1619, the House of Burgesses was formed in Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Plymouth Colony was founded

    Plymouth Colony was founded
    In 1620, Plymouth, Massachusetts was founded.
  • The first Thanksgiving feast was held

    The first Thanksgiving feast was held
    In 1621, the Pilgrims held the first Thanksgiving celebration.
  • North Carolina founded

    North Carolina founded
    In 1653, North Carolina was founded.
  • New Jersey founded

    New Jersey founded
    In 1664, New Jersey was founded.
  • William Penn established Pennsylvania

    William Penn established Pennsylvania
    In 1681, William Penn established Pennsylvania.