
Timeline of change in Computers

  • The first use of the word computer

    The first use of the word computer
    The word computer was first used in a book, the wrod was described as an actual person that calculates and performs computations. This definition of computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century, which from there was now referred to as the machine.
  • Period: to

    Evoloution of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage was the first person to come up with the concept of a computer. He was a mathemetician/philosopher/inventor and mechanical engineer. He was unable to make a full scale version of his design due to lack of funding.
  • The Z1 computer

    The Z1 computer
    This was created by Konrad Zuse. The Z1 was the first freely programable computer, this used an electrically driven mechanical calculator. This type of computer used the boolean logic and floating point numbers, it was finished in 1938.
  • The ABC computers

    The ABC computers
    Professor John Atanasoff and Cliffors Berry built the first ever electronic-digital computer in the world. The pair built this computer in an Iowa university, this style of computer used a binary system of arithmatic, parallel processing, regeneraative memory and a seperation of memory and computing systems.
  • Harvard Mark I computer

    Harvard Mark I computer
    Howard Aiken and Grace Hooper created the the MARK series and the first computer in that series was the Harvard Mark I computer, this took up an entire room of noisy metal parts and weighed 5 tonnes. This style computer as used by the US Navy for gunnery and ballistic calculations.
  • ENIAC Computer

    ENIAC Computer
    THe ENIAC computer was designed and made by John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly. ENIAC stands for electronic numerical integrator and computer and this was the first electronic general-purpose computer, this was used by the US army and was able to calculate artillery firing tables.
  • Williams Tube

    Williams Tube
    Created by Freddie Williams and Tom Kilburn, this was the first ever random-accsses digital storage device. The Williams Tube used a cathode ray tube as computer memory to store binary data
  • Manchester computer

    Manchester computer
    Created by Tom Kilburn this was a series of computers which started in 1948 and spanning a 30 year period. These were designed at the university of Manchester and in this series included the world's first-stored program computer and first transistorised computer.
  • UNIVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Computer
    Created by John Presper Eckert and John W. Maulchy, this was the second commercial computer made in the United States. this style of computer was used for business and administrative uses. The UNIVAC computer did tasks such as- data and arithmatic transport operations.
  • IBM 701 EDPM Computer

    IBM 701 EDPM Computer
    IBM (international business machines) started making a long line of developing cmputers, the first one being the 701. This computer was known as the defense caculator and was IBM's first scientific computer. The 701 used vacuum tube logic along with 72 williams tubes to create the system.
  • FORTRAN Computer, programminng language

    FORTRAN Computer, programminng language
    John W. Backus proposed his ideas to IBM to develope a better and more practical assembly lanuage programming for IBM's up and coming computers. This was the first succssesful high level programming language.
  • ERMA and MICRA

    ERMA and MICRA
    Founded by the bank of America, Standford Research Institute and general electric. ERMA (electronic recording machine acounting) was the first steo to automate book keeping. Micr (magnetic ink character recognition) was also used by banks to process and clear cheques and other types of documents.
  • First Computer Game

    First Computer Game
    Invented by Steve Russel this was the first ever computer game, This was called Spacewar.
  • The 'mouse'

    The 'mouse'
    Douglas Englebart created the first mouse prototype. The reason the name mouse came about is because inventors saw the cord that attached the device to the computers made it look like a mouse tail thus the name became the mouse.
  • ARPANET, the original internet

    ARPANET, the original internet
    This was the first ever type of internet. This was the first step to the internet we have today, the intension of this was to create a program that would withstand any kind of disaster.
  • The first Personel Computer

    The first Personel Computer
    The minicomputer Xerox Alto was a major step in the developement of the PC. This was one of the first computers designed for individual use, the alto used the desktop metaphor and mouse driven graphical user interface (gui).
  • IBM 1500

    IBM 1500
    This was one of the first portable/consumer computers.
  • Microsoft Corporation

    Microsoft Corporation
    Was founded on the 4th of April by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Micosoft developes, manufactures, lisences and designs a variety of computers and computing products. Microsoft is now one of the most valuable countries in the world.
  • Apple Inc.

    Apple Inc.
    Apple was established by Steve Jos, Steve Wozniac and Ronald Wayne. Apple's first release was the Apple I which was a stepping stone to creating other line like the mac book range, and other computing devices.
  • First Personel Computer With Colour Graphics

    First Personel Computer With Colour Graphics
    Created by Apple inc. the Apple II was the first ever personel computer with colour graphics, this updated apple computer used a floppy disk drive and interface instead of previously used cassette tapes.
  • IBM PC - home computer

    IBM PC - home computer
    This was another step twards an at home personel computer, the IBM PC was said to start the home PC revoloution.
  • MS-DOS Computing Operating System

    MS-DOS Computing Operating System
    This program was created by microsoft and was used for at home personel computers. It became very popular for it's time.
  • Lisa Computer

    Lisa Computer
    The Lisa computer was the first ever personel computer sold to the public that included GUI in its features. This model was a flop, it was too pricy for everyday people and did not have a very good amount of software.
  • Macintosh Computer

    Macintosh Computer
    The Apple Macintosh computer was much more affordable and had better software than the Lisa computer, this meant many more everyday people were able to buy this computer. The Macintosh computer's sales were very high.
  • The Battle

    The  Battle
    After the development of computers began the two top developers (Appple and Microsoft) were and still are updating their devices constantly, these has created a good rivalry that had produced great computers and computing devices. The technology is extremely advanced compared to what is in this timeline