Timeline of Canadian History

  • 1534

    Canada Prior to Confederation

    Canada Prior to Confederation
    Before the confederation the natives could basically do anything that they wanted but when the confederation started a lot of thigs changed First contact to Canada was Desiree single The new French was claimed in 1534 and the first permanent settlement was in 1608
  • Acandians

    The Acadians were the descendants of the French who settled in Acadia during the 17th and 18th century. Some were also descendants from the indigenous region. Acadia was distinctly a separate colony of New France.
  • Hudson Bay company

    Hudson Bay company
    The Hudson's Bay company kicked off on May 2, 1670. It is the largest and oldest incorporated joint-stock merchandising company in the English-speaking world. It first started as a fur trading business but soon after turned into the largest merchandise selling company across Canada.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    On February 1st, 1793 France declared war on Great Britain, in 1794 August 20th general Anthony Wayne defeats a native American confederation at the battle of fallen timbers which in present day is Ohio. 1806 April 18 Non-importation act passed; 1807 November 11th Great Britain passes the 1807 orders in council restricting international trade with France. 1813 January 9th Great Britain declares war on the united states.
  • Confederation

    In 1867 Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick joined Canada 1870 Manitoba, Northwest Territories 1871 British Columbia 1873 Prince Edward Island 1880 Transfer of the artic islands to northwest territory 1898 Yukon territory 1905 Alberta, Saskatchewan 1949 Newfoundland and Labrador 1999 Nunavut
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    Residential schools were operated in Canada for more than 160 years, with more than 160,000 kids passing through their doors, every province in Canada except for Prince Edward Island, newfoundland, and New Brunswick, was home to the federally funded, church-run schools. Residential school began in after the year 1880.
  • Formation of CPR

    Formation of CPR
    The Canadian Pacific Railway company was formed in 1881. It's purpose was the construction of a transcontinental railway. It promise to British Columbia upon it's entry into Confederation.
  • Immigration Waves

    Immigration Waves
    Canada has seen four major waves of immigration and settlement of non-Aboriginal Peoples take place over a span of nearly two centuries. Canada's peak percentage of immigrant population came in 1921, when 22.3% were foreign-born. Many Russian and British immigrants moved to Canada in the 1900s for shelter and protection. They moved to Canada because some European county borders were redrawn and many empires collapsed.
  • Quebec's Quiet Revolution

    Quebec's Quiet Revolution
    Quebec's Quiet Revolution was a period of intense change in the Canadian province of Québec that started after the elections of 1960. The Quiet Revolution typically refers to the efforts made by the Liberal government. A primary change was made by the provincial government to take more direct control over the fields of healthcare and education, which had previously been in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • World Expo

    World Expo
    Canada’s World Expo was held in Montreal, Quebec in 1967 to celebrate Canada's Centennial. It is considered the most successful world fair in the 20th century, with the most attendees. The world expo of 67’ was so successful because of the amount of development ideas that were created in a brief time span.
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    The October Crisis refers to the events that started in October 1970 when members of the Front de liberation du Quebec kidnapped the provincial Deputy Premier Pierre Laporte and British diplomat James Cross from his Montreal residence.This produced a large scale police operation and pressured the federal government to turn to the War Measures Act. The October Crisis had many effects on Quebecs society. Such as labour strikes swelled, access to better education and reduced the wealth gap.