
Timeline of basketball_ChristopherWilliams

By cjw122
  • basketball in the 1900s

    basketball in the 1900s
    Basketball quickly spread to colleges, and by the early 1900s universitiys began forming teams and hosting intercollegiate competitions. The games popularity peaked especially in the united states.
  • Basketball in the 1910s

    Basketball in the 1910s
    In the 1910s basketball still was in its infancy, having only been invented in 1891. It was primarily a college competition. The few professional leagues that existed were poorly run and doomed to fail. However, several individual pro teams won fame.
  • Basketball in the 1920s

    Basketball in the 1920s
    Back in the 1920s, basketballs were not always the smoothest and they often had bumps on them which made it harder to dribble them, hence why the passing game was more popular. Rosters today are filled with more players than the whole team that was playing in the 1920s.
  • Basketball in the 1930s

    Basketball in the 1930s
    Professional basketball suffered during the 1930s, especially once the American Basketball League disbanded in 1931. Many teams did not have the finances for full-time players, but semipro leagues sprung up and prospered. In the 1920s and 1930s college basketball was at somewhat of a peak.
  • Basketball in the 1940s

    Basketball in the 1940s
    By the 1940s, basketball was one of America's most popular sports. People of all ages played the game, and college teams had fans across the nation. Professional basketball however, received little attention. Pro hoops had many teams and leagues, but few fans.
  • Basketball in the 1950s

    Basketball in the 1950s
    The 1950s would bring in the league’s first Black stars. The decade also saw the advent of the 24-second shot clock, which sped up the game.