Timeline of Australian Biomes

By GalaM
  • Land existance

    Indigenous Australians that lived in the desert and grasslands lived by hunting and gathering and burning the undergrowth to encourage growth of new plants they favoured. the traditional owners of the land would always be hunting and gathering. The men hunting, and the women gathering. They would always be moving depending on the season, so they did not gather, hunt, or burn too much so that they had some left for when they came back the following season.
  • Continued

    They would have controlled fires in the forests which would create grasslands which made the environment more suitable for animals, which is what the indigenous Australians lived off. The indigenous were very careful with these fire-stick farming practices. They ensured that they did this in the right time of the year when there is a certain amount of moisture in the air and that it wasnt too hot. These controlled fires also prevented uncontrolled fires.
  • Early Western settlement

    European Settlers had first colonised in Australia in 1788. The Western settlement had begun in 1826. They had bought with them horses, cattle, and other animals, so the biomes which suited western style farming was grasslands and tropical savanas. When they had frist arrived they did not know of the indigenous fire-stick farming. European setllement distrupted the fire-stick farming regimes which cause huge high intense fires to spread across large areas.
  • Early days

    The 1800s.
    Australian lands had not been used to raide livestcok or grow large-scale crops. These practices were widespread back in Europe, so whrn the settlers arrived they brought agriculture with them.
  • Farming techniques

    In the 1900s it was noticed that wheat had become a successful crop in Australia along with beef and dairy. These industries were growing rapidly and it became obvious that the farming techniques used there were many different crps that would flourish in the climate of Australia. This then had increased food production. From the increase of food production came the need to more land to grow crops on which cause native species of plants and animals to be removed which had impacts on the biomes.
  • Current day

    Australia's main food productions are meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables. Australia is a very food secure country as we produced enough food to feed the population over 3 times.
  • Future

    New technologies to improve the nutrition of our food production are being developed. The grain modification technologies developed are of global, economic relevance and will make a contribution to food security at a national and international level. Precision Agriculture seeks to exert more control over a production system by recognising variation and managing different areas of land differently, according to a range of economic and environmental goals.