The First Telescope
The first telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey. He invented it for milatary use -
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Timeline of Astronomy and Telescopes
The first spyglass is invented
Hans Lippershey built the first spyglass. -
A telescope is used to dicover mountains and valleys on the moon
In 1609, Galileo began using his telescope and looked at the
Moon. -
Bonaventura Cavalieri
This book dicussed the theroy of parabolic mirrors and configurations of a refracting telescope. -
Spiral Nebula are discovered
Willam Parsons was the first person to see a nebula in detail after turning his telescope to M51. Over the next 5 years he found 14 more nebula. -
The moon is Photographed for the first time through a telscope
The photo was taken between 1847 and 1850 with the
Harvard 15-inch refractor. -
The cooke triplet
H. Dennis Taylor invented this telescope. It consists of 3 different types of glass. Two are flint, and one is crown. -
Largest refracting telescope
It was built in the yorkes observatory and was 40 inches long. It used mirrors instead of lenses -
Hubble space telescope
Hubble was brought into space with the space shuttle Discovery in April of 1990. It has expanded our understanding of the universe. It has also had repairs to extend its life.