Literature of the america colonies

Timeline of American Literature

  • Puritanism

    Puritanism was the beliefs of a group of people called the English Protestants in the 17th-18th century. Puritanism was a very strict way of practicing religion. Image URL-
  • Creation Myths

    Creation Myths
    In this time, many different groups of people used creation myths to explain their existence. The myth, "The World on the Turtle's Back" was a well known creation myth by the Iroquois Native Americans. Image URL-
  • Period: to

    Early American Literature

    The literature in this period has very distinct characteristics. Many of the works are very spiritual and connecting with a greater power. From the Puritan literature to the Native American literature, there is a clear sense of something powerful and larger than life. The Native American literature connects more directly with nature while the Puritan literature connects more directly with God.
  • Beliefs of Early America

    People in early America were very rooted in religion and spiritual things. People believed that there was a higher power, and people really found beauty and life through nature.
  • "Of Plymouth Plantation"

    "Of Plymouth Plantation" was a chronicle written by William Bradford. This chronicle clearly shows the adventurous times of the 17th century.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In this time period, many people (mostly women) were accused of being witches and murdered for performing "witchcraft". Arthur Miller wrote the Crucible based on these events. Though the Crucible was published in 1953, it is a very accurate and historically correct play written about the witch trails in Salem, Massachusetts.
  • Jonathan Edwards/ Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Jonathan Edwards/ Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
    Jonathan Edwards was a Puritan minister known for his fiery sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". Image URL-
  • Period: to


    Romanticism Literature has some similar qualities to Early American literature, like the celebration of nature. However, Romanticism Literature also has a large focus on the inner self, the expression of emotions, and personal freedom. These works are also sometimes bizarre and considered "Gothic" literature (example: The Raven). This was a very important time period for American literature, and many well know and beautiful pieces were created in this period.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was an important historical event that happened in the Romanticism period. The Louisiana Purchase was an event in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for roughly $15 million in a land deal with France. Source: Image URL:
  • Beliefs of Romanticism Period

    There are many beliefs in this period that are clearly shown in the literature. People in this period believed in spontaneity and individualism. Freedom from rules and love of nature are also common beliefs of the Romanticism Period.
  • Transcendentalists

    The transcendentalists believed that nature reveals spiritual truth. Many of the authors of the Romanticism Period were transcendentalists (Emerson, Thoreau, etc.)The primary focus of their literature was on nature and the truths that it held for American's as an escape from city life and urbanization, since urbanization was a major event in this time.
  • Urbanization

    During this time period, the transition from rural areas to urban areas was occurring. This was a very important movement, and it inspired work of many writers in this period (transcendentalists).
  • War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was a less than two year war that was fought between Great Britain and the U.S. over British violations of U.S. rights. This occurred during the Romanticism period. Source:
  • "The Raven"

    "The Raven"
    "The Raven", written by Edgar Allen Poe, is a very famous piece of Gothic literature. This poem has a very dark mood to it, and tools like repetition and personification are used to create this effect. Image URL-
  • "The Chambered Nautilus"

    This work of literature by Oliver Wendell Holmes is a famous piece from this time period. Holmes uses an extended metaphor to compare a chambered nautilus to the human soul. This poem demonstrates clear use of romanticism literature characteristics, and uses great figurative language.
  • Period: to


    Realism (or the transition from Romanticism to Realism) is a new period that grew from Romanticism. The literature of this period has many distinct characteristics: transparent language, DETAIL, quotidian or everyday tasks, etc. This was a huge shift from the Romantic literature. The style was more free and less conformed. People wanted honest, raw truth, and this was shown through the literature.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    In this time period, the Civil War was a MAJOR influence of much of the writing and the more raw and real literature. The war inspired many important pieces by Abraham Lincoln, and many other authors of this time. The Civil War started at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Image URL-
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was both an important historical event a very much needed speech of this period. Written by Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation was an attempt to free all Confederate slaves. This document is a very important part of our history, and it is still talked about today. Image URL-
  • "I Hear America Singing"

    This is a famous poem written in the Realism period by Walt Whitman. This poem uses great figurative language and really incorporates the idea of America being the universal thread that ties everyone, no matter how different, together.
  • Beliefs of Realism Period

    There were many opposing beliefs in this period, causing tension like the American Civil War. Some people believed slavery was wrong, while others didn't. However, there is something that bonded everyone together: a belief that most people had. People believed that things should be honest. People wanted the truth and not all of the ornamentation and decoration from the Romanticism period. People wanted the truth, which I believe is a universal belief throughout America in this time period.
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    Modernism (Harlem Renaissance)

    This period was very influential in terms of both literature and art. The elements of Modernism literature are very thematic, formal, and stylistic. Writers in this period wrote about destruction, social evils, loss, etc. This period was very influential and inspiring for African Americans artists in Harlem.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I was a historical event that occurred in the Modernism era. Know as "The Great War", WWI lasted from 1914 to 1918, and it affected so many lives. This war greatly influenced the writers who wrote during this time, and the literature reflected it. Some of the modernism literature is about loss and world destruction, which are two things that tie into WWI. Image URL-
  • Beliefs/Values of Modernism Period

    People in this period had beliefs that were kind of a combination between the Realism and Romanticism periods. Like Romanticism, the focus on the isolation of the individual was a belief. People in this period also seemed to care little for social norms. Like the Realism period, they were very rooted in the truth and authenticity of things as well.
  • Great Depression

    During this period, the Great Depression occurred. The Great Depression was devastating for America. People were jobless and they lost all of their money. Our nation was falling apart. This idea of loss is very present in the writing on this time period.
  • Of Mice and Men

    Written by John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men is a great literary classic from the Modernism period. This novel takes place during the Great Depression, which was a very relevant time during this period. This is another example of how history affects literature. John Steinbeck also wrote "Grapes of Wrath".
  • A Worn Path

    A Worn Path
    This piece of literature is written by Eudora Welty. "A Worn Path" is about a woman who takes a long walk through the woods to town to pick up medicine for her grandson. She runs into many obstacles, but she persists. I think that this piece is extremely timely because the protagonist is an African American woman (someone seen to have "lesser status"), and (like our country), she encounters many obstacles but she persists through. Image URL: