Timeline of American Literature

  • 1300

    California Creation

    California Creation
    This was a Native America which shared a story about the creation of the state California. This folklore teaches a lesson about sharing between an eagle and a crow. this story has been going on for generations and is still know to this day.
  • 1300

    Time of Native American Folklore

    Time of Native American Folklore
    Before Europeans established territory in the Americas, Native American tribes settled all throughout the Americas. The type of literature that existed at this time included fictional folk tales which were passed through Native American tribes from generation. These tales have served messages to the Native Americans.
  • 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
    Christopher Columbus had one purpose, andthat was to prove that he would be able to eventually reach Asia in a quest to prove that earth was not flat. While traveling across the Atlantic, he stumbled upon the Americas. This soon led to the colonization of North America by the Europeans.
  • Puritan Leaders Obtain Charter to Establish colony at Massachusetts Bay

    Puritan Leaders Obtain Charter to Establish colony at Massachusetts Bay
    These Puritan leaders who arrived to establish a colony at Massachusetts Bay, were a big part in the evolution of Puritanism in the 19th century. This new colony of Puritans did not believe in the practices of America, to eventually make Puritanism the primarily practiced religion.
  • The Salem Witch trials Begin in Colonial Massachusetts

    The Salem Witch trials Begin in Colonial Massachusetts
    The Salem Witch Trials began in the Puritan settlement of Massachusetts. This time began when a group of young girls claimed an older woman to be a witch, and if those women are convicted as a witch then they are eventually sentenced to a public execution. The noel "The Scarlet Letter" took plavce during the Salem Witch Trials as Hester Prynne was on trial for adultery by the Puritan leaders.
  • Cotton Mather's account of the Witch Trails

    Cotton Mather's account of the Witch Trails
    Cotton Mather, a well known writer and preacher during the Puritan times, wrote his thoughts on the Salem Witch Trails, he expressed how he believed that the new world was once devils territory and that the devil had placed witches in puritan Massachusetts in order to attempt to destroy the Puritans.
  • Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
    This sermon written by Jonathan Edwards was preached in Massachusetts.This sermon was used to scare people into understanding that hell is real. He wanted his message to be that if people continue not to follow the word of God, hell is real and waits for them if they do not get it together.
  • Speech to the Second Virginia Convention

    Speech to the Second Virginia Convention
    During the second Virginia convention, Patrick Henry had preached a rememberable speech. Henry preached on his belief that he wanted liberty for not only the country but also the people who belonged to it. This speech was right before the shots were fired during the start of the American Revolution.
  • The Scarlet Letter

    The Scarlet Letter
    In this book, the main character, Hester Prynne commits adultery, during this time of the Salem Witch Trials. The book is set during the time the Puritans established territory and had a very strict set of laws based on their religion. Being punished for what she did, Hester had to wear a scarlet letter "A" sewn to her chest. Hester took on the punishment and soon became a better version of herself and became an example for everyone.
  • The Age of Romanticism

    The Age of Romanticism
    The influence during this time is heavily shown through the inspiration of English literature, art, and music. Some well known works of literature during this time would be "the Scarlet Letter". In English Literature, authors would question their purpose in life as well as religion. This was one of the first times artist expressed emotions in their writing and pieces of art.
  • A pair of silk stockings

    A pair of silk stockings
    In this story, Mrs. Sommers wakes up on an average day to feed her children and prepare them for the rest of their day. She soon goes shopping and begins to slightly treat herself, which she never does. She eventually comes to buy herself a nice pair of silk stockings. this gives her a taste of luxury which prompts her spend the rest of the day herself a nice dinner, and seeing a show.
  • The start of World War 1

    The start of World War 1
    THis war had sparked after the assassination of Archduke Franz Fernidad of Austria. The war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. The war was between the Allies and the Central Powers. This war eventually sparked the beginning of World War 2
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Jazz music had sparked during the Harlem Renaissance, which began slightly after the start of WW1 and ended in the 1930's. This era expressed the African American struggles through literature, poetry, art, and music. Jazz music was greatly impacted during this time by the black communities expression through music.
  • Women were given the right to vote

    Women were given the right to vote
    For a while before the 19th amendment was created women struggled and still struggles to this day to gain equal rights as men have. These women struggle are shown throughout the characters in many books. The right to vote was the start of many opportunities which began to open up.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition was made a law at this time because alcohol had seemed like the problem and start of many issues in citizens lives. The 18th amendment made it illegal for alcohol to be sold, bought, transported or made in America. The lawmakers of this believed this would end a lot of crime and poverty at the time, but most citizens found their way around it. Bootlegging soon became popular during this time which was the illegal selling of alcohol in America.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    In this book, Nick Carraway is new to the fictional town of west egg, the home of many wealthy citizens during the roaring 20's. One of Nick's neighbors is Jay Gatsby, a man who created his wealth from bootlegging, becoming one of the wealthiest citizens on the island. Nick soon becomes good friends with Gatsby at one of his extravagant parties Nick's new friend dies at the end of the book.
  • The Catcher in the Rye

    The Catcher in the Rye
    While the 50s seemed to be a more upbeat and well put together time the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" represented a gloomier look at the 50s. The author J.D Salinger, emphasizes aspect of the 50s and criticizes them through the character Holder Claufield. The character Holden looks at society more negatively and describes as "Phony" going against the grain of society and pointing out the fakeness people express at the time.