Timeline of 18th Century Europe

  • Enclosure Movement

    Enclosure Movement
    Throughout the 1700s, the enclosure movement was gaining traction in Europe. The enclosure movement was started and enforced by people who tried to advance the agricultural revolution. These people, typically scientists or political officers, knew that the practices of the agricultural revolution would be ineffective with the traditional ways of open fields. The enclosure movement caused a lot of discourse among the peasants who thrived off of the open fields.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    The agricultural revolution was a series of developments in 18th century Europe that advanced the efficiency of farming in Europe. New inventions and farming methods increased production of food, causing a population boom. However, due to the enclosure movement, many peasant farmers were forced to leave their fields and move to the city. The agricultural revolution is one of the main causes of the industrial revolution.
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade

    The Transatlantic Slave Trade
    During the 18th century, 12.5 million Africans were forcefully moved across the Atlantic to become slaves in the Americas. All of the major Western European powers were involved, but the French and British were most dominant. The slave trade gave huge profits to mercantilist nations. It also shaped the history of the Americas as we know them today.
  • Great Northern War

    Great Northern War
    The Great Northern War was fought between the Russian Empire and the Swedish Empire. The Russians sought to end the dominance of the Swedish in the Baltic Region. They were successful in doing so, and the war resulted in Russia replacing the Swedes as the major northern European power. Russia would also become a major European power after proving themselves in the war.
  • Period: to

    18th Century Europe

  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession
    The War of the Spanish Succession was a war to decide who would control the Spanish throne following the death of Charles II. The French and their allies wanted the throne to go to a Bourbon, while the British, Austrians and Dutch wanted it to be a Habsburg. The result of the war was a French defeat. Despite the Habsburg victory, the British were the biggest winners as they gained much of the French's territory in North America.
  • Acts of Union

    Acts of Union
    The Acts of Union were a series of acts that merged the English and Scottish Parliaments into one. This ultimately led to the creation of the United Kingdom as we know it today. The main causes of the Acts were economically based. The Scottish people were against the merger, but there were provisions that ensured the Scottish Church would remain seperate, and that Scotland would have its own voice in the new parliament.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The industrial revolution was a time of technological and economic innovation. It resulted from the scientific and agricultural revolution. The industrial revolution caused a mass migration of people from rural areas to urban areas. It was another reason why the British gained so much power during the 18th century.
  • Illegitmacy explosion

    Illegitmacy explosion
    During the late 18th century, Europe experienced a so-called illegitimacy explosion. This means that there were a lot of children being born with non-married parents. One major cause of the explosion was increased women's independence, specifically with choosing a partner. Before this explosion, marriages were typically arranged by families. An effect of the explosion was the overcrowding and poor conditions of "founding homes" or orphanages.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was the colonial response to mistreatment and neglect from the British government. It was led by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington. The revolution was inspired by the enlightenment ideals of John Locke and others. The revolution caused a significant blow to the British economy and it was also the inspiration for other revolutions.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a rapid series of political, and social changes in France during the 1790s. The Revolution was ultimately caused by the greed and neglect of King Louis XVI, who put the country into huge debt. The Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution. One major event that took place was the Reign of Terror, which saw 40,000 people be publically executed over the span of about a year.