A man named John West argued for Federation in Launceston's, The investigation minister and the journalist Rev John West, who also found the Anti- Transportation League in Launceston in 1847, they became convinced of the need for colonies to form and federal union they were to have impact in London on issues.
No Date -
24 Oct 1889
Sir Henry Parkes made perimeters of NSW, made a speech talking about uniting and creating a great national government for all of Australia. After the famous speech in Tenterfield, Sir Henry Parkes was ready to cooperate on Behalf of NSW to make movement towards federation. -
6-14 Feb 1890
Sir Henry Parkes made perimeters of NSW, made a speech talking about uniting and creating a great national government for all of Australia. After the famous speech in Tenterfield, Sir Henry Parkes was ready to cooperate on Behalf of NSW to make movement towards federation. 6-14 Feb -
Mar/Apr 1891
At the first convention, they made rules that everyone had to follow, the convention was held in Sydney. Seven represented from each colony and three people from NZ, all agreed to adopt a name for the rules, 'Commonwealth of Australia'. Sir Samuel, Griffith, clark and Kingston, who were the members of convention constitutional committee they all worked on the constitution while they were on government yacht. The meeting adopted the set of rules on the 9th of April 1891. No date Mar/Apr -
Edmund Barton visited the Riverina in NSW, for a missionary visit. This resulted in 15 federation leagues being formed in the Riverina communities. No date -
November 1894
The government of the colony's (represented), had a meeting from the federation leagues about Australasian (neighbor) federation, and that was held at Melbourne in town hall. The town was association and were drawn into the federation movement. Willman Knox the president of the Malvern council of Vic, chaired the conference. No date -
20- Jan- 17 Mar 1898
The National Australaisan Covention, the third and final session in the Parliament House, in Melbourne. The Delegates agreed on the draft constitution, the Convention Billm, of the 16 March. Established on the reformed version in the 1891 Constitution. Australia then became the second country in History, the first country was Switzerland. To take the proposed constitution to the people. With the elector in each colony were being asked to approve the Constitution at the vote.
20- Jan -17 Mar 1898 -
3 September 1901
The Australia New National flag is flown for the first time, over 32 823 entries were in the competition for its design -
1 March 1901
The Commonwealth Government took control of the wide rang of the functions formerly exercised by the colonies, also including the military forces, postal and custom and departments and immigration. The Commonwealth rules powers, that also power to legislate about the trade among the countries and state. -
Jan 1895
The AFL of Victor arranged a Large federation meeting in Melbourne in town hall. It was addressed to the premiers by the Vic, NSW and SA. AFL of SA was also formed in the same year.