timeline Krista Schieman

  • Started High School

    Started High School
    I started attending Parkside Colligate Institute.
  • Voluteer Hours Completed

    Voluteer Hours Completed
    I completed 55 hours over the coarse of the summer.
  • Became An Aunt

    Became An Aunt
    I got my first niece.
  • 16th Birthday

    My 16th birthday.
  • Go To Paris

    Go To Paris
    On March break I will be travelling to Paris with my school.
  • Buy My First Car

    I would like to buy my first car when im 16 and in the summer when I can get money.
  • High School Graduation

    I plan to graduate from Parkside Colligate Institute in 2016.
  • Start University

    I would like to start my pre-med at Queen's University in 2016 and continue on for four years.
  • Can Start To Vote

    On my 18th birthday I can start to vote.
  • Move Out Of Parents House

    I will move out of my parents house and into residents in university in 2016.
  • Completion Of Post Secondary

    I will be completing my pre-med at Queen's in 2021.
  • Start Of Career

    I will start my career as a paramedic in 2023.
  • Buy My First House

    I'll buy my first house once I've completed my first year of work.
  • Start A Family

    I can start a family or get mariied or have kids or whatever i want to end up doing in 2025.