Timeline Humanities

  • Period: 753 BCE to 1453


  • 100 BCE

    Julius Cesaer

    Julius Cesaer
    born 100 BC
    Emperor of Rome
    Roman politician, military general, and historian
    stabbed in the back
    conquered a lot of Europe
    One of the most famous rulers of Rome
    important figure in the rise of the Roman empire
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Empire

    The roman empire started when Julius Caesar started his conquest
    of Europe
    His son Augustus Caesar continued that.
    Became to vast to rule so it started to crash and by 284 CE divided between western and eastern Italy
    Finally got destroyed by the vikings
  • 117

    Rome at greatest extent

    around the time of Trajan's death
    it was at its peak when the roman empire was at its greatest
  • 284

    Split of the Roman Empire and move to Constantinople

    Split of the Roman Empire and move to Constantinople
    Constantine the Great was the founder of the Byzantine Empire and its first emperor
    Moved the capital of the Roman Empire to the city of Byzantium in 330 CE, and renamed it Constantinople
  • 293

    Rule of Diocletian

    reorganised the empire without political romanticism
    divide the roman empire into 4 leaders
  • 313

    Legalization of Christianity

    Constantine issued the Edict of Milan reaffirming the tolerance of Christians and returning previously confiscated property to the churches.
    Christianity was outlawed until Constantine the great legalised it
  • 410

    First Sack of Rome

    The sack of rome was when the gauls came and "sacked" rome.
    The city was attacked by the Visigoths led by King Alaric.
    6,000 to 12,000 people were murdered.
  • 476

    End of Western Empire

    Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome.
    The fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders
  • Period: 476 to 1500

    Middle ages

  • 521

    Reign of Justinian

    Reign of Justinian
    Justinian was appointed consul in 521 and later commander of the army of the east. Upon Justin's death on 1 August 527, Justinian became the sole sovereign.
    He is significant for his efforts to regain the lost provinces of the Western Roman Empire, his codification of roman law, and his architectural achie
  • 632

    Muslims Conquer North Africa

    continued the century of rapid Arab Early Muslim conquests following the death of Muhammad
  • 732

    Battle of tours

    Marked the victory of the Frankish and Burgundian forces under Charles Martel over the invasion forces of the Umayyad Caliphate led by Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus Christian losses numbered around 1,500 while Abdul Rahman suffered approximately 10,000.
  • 800

    Rule of Charlemagne

    a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814
    got crowned 800 by Pope Leo III
  • 1300

    Mongol Invasion

    the conquest of Europe by the Mongol Empire
    by way of the destruction of East Slavic principalities, such as Kiev and Vladimir.
    around 700,000 people died
  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1347


    rats from denmark infected the food in englqnd
    would make boils and slowly and painfully kill the victim
    killed around 75 to 200 million people
  • 1453

    End of the eastern empire

    t survived the fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for an additional thousand years until it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.
  • Period: 1517 to
