Schutzstaffel Organized
This was the organization of Hitler's personal bodyguard unit and would do special duties for Hitler. This would affect anyone that HItler wanted to target and they would most likely be killed if they are being targeted. -
St. Louis Ship (with Jews)
A ship helping Jews escape from Germany from being killed/captured by the Nazis. This ship had mainly Jews on it so it had a positive impact that saved people and families. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor on January 30th, 1933. This effected Germany's citizens, since there was a new person in charge. No one knew what was coming. -
Hitler Claims Emergency Powers
Right after the Reichstag fire, Hindenburg gave Hitler emergency powers. This would then affect anyone that Hitler wants to target and will lead to many deaths of Jews, Gypsies, and Polish people. -
Boycott of Jewish Businesses
The Jewish boycott of German goods started early April, but was quickly abandoned soon after it started. This effected Jews because they weren't allowed to have any stores/businesses, only because they were Jewish. -
Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases
A law the German government passed that would make anyone that was a Gypsy not able to reproduce. This effected all Gypsies because it would end family trees and is not right for anyone that is a Gypsy to be treated like this. -
Nuremberg Laws
This is when Germany passed a law saying anyone that is a Jew is to get persecution. This would affect all Jews for now they are being killed for what they believe and some will change religions to not die. (some still get killed even after changing). -
Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
This law Germany established was to be able to put indefinite imprisonment on someone that they deem to be threatening or dangerous to society. This would end up affecting any group that Hitler did not like and gave him the power to lock up people like Jews because of what Hitler believed. -
Nazi’s Occupy Rhineland
This is when Germany invaded Rhineland successfully. This effect anyone that lived in Rhineland and also anyone involved in the Treaty of Versailles as the Germans would break the treaty in this event. -
Reichszentrale is created
Nazi Germany was trying to fight against homosexuality and were being sent to concentration camps and prison. This effect anyone that is homosexual and this would affect them by making them forced to switch their sexuality because of Germany. -
Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass
Nazis torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and also killed up to 100 Jews. The Jewish were impacted by being killed and sent to concentration camps. -
Madagascar Plan presented
This was a plan presented by Germany to move all Jews into Madagascar and to hold them there. Jews was the main target here and if this plan went into play and was successful it would restrict them from many things. -
Einsatzgruppen, starts
Einsatzgruppen was a death squad of Nazi Germany. They were responsible for mass killings. This effected everyone at the occupied territories of Germany, since the Einsatzgruppen were responsible for murdering thousands. -
Period: to
Germany invades Poland
Germany invaded Poland, marking the beginning of WWII. This effected both Germany and Poland, since they both were involved in the war. It also affected the stability of the world. -
Auschwitz opens
This is when Auschwitz opens and it was a concentration camp located in Germany-occupied Poland. This mostly impacted Jews, Homosexuals, and Gypsies because they were torchered and killed. -
Lodz Ghetto Opens
When this place opened lots of Jews were forced to move to the "Ghetto" and enclosed area with lots of people living with horrible living conditions basically a concentration camp. Jews were the main group captured in the Ghettos and it was basically torture for thousands of Jews. -
The Commisair Order
This was an order issued by Germany to execute any Soviet Political commissar. This would then effect anyone that was a Soviet Political Commissar and in result the Soviets will provoke stronger resistance to German forces. -
Yellow Star for German Jews
These are the badges the Jews were forced to wear to identify themselves as Jews in public. Would affect all Jews in Germany that are now forced to wear something to "make them feel different" then everyone else. -
Babi Yar
Babi Yar was a ravine where mobile squads killed approximately 33,771 Jews. This affected Jewish people because it affected the Jewish population largely. -
Wannsee Conference
A meeting between Nazis and the SS were they made the decision of the "Final Solution" to kill all Jews. After this decision was made all Jews were now being target this impacted them for lots of them would now move to new places and try to resist being caught or killed. -
Last Gassing at Auschwitz
This was the last time a group of people got gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp and it was around 300-400 people. The main groups that got killed Jews, Poles, and Romania this made a large impact on these group populations. -
Creation of the Zigeunerlager
The Zigeunerlager was a section of Auschwitz that heald Gypsys. The section impacted was Gypsys, since they were forced to work, exterminated, and tourchered. -
Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos
Hilmer ordered for all ghettos to be liquidated, and any remaining Jewish people were sent to concentration camps. This impacted Jews, since they had to either be killed or sent to camps. -
Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz
Prisoners were forced to dismantle Auschwitz, since the SS had to get rid of all evidence of the mass killings. This impacted Germany, since they all had to work to get rid of the evidence. -
Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz
Dr Josef Mengele arrive at Auschwitz on January 17th, 1945. He was known as the, "Angel of Death." This impacted the prisoners in Auschwitz because Josef would experiment on them, a lot of the experiments leading to death. -
Liberation of Auschwitz
When Germany force everyone in this concentration camp to march to a new one because of the invasion of the SS 15,000 Jews were killed during the march. The main group affected in this event were Jews and this event killed many Jews family and friends. -
Hitler Commits Suicide
Hitler commited suicide on April 30, 1945. This effected the citizens of Nazi Germany, since they didn't have a leader now and was also a relief to many that were targeted by Hitler. -
Period: to
International Military Tribunal
International Military Tribunal were trials held by the allied forces after WWII. This would affect anyone that is a Nazi, family member, friend etc. and would lead to many people that were Nazis getting punished for war crimes and other things. -
Adolf Eichmann captured Died 1 June 1962
Adolf Eichmann was captured and had his trial in Israel, and died the first of June, 1962. His death affected prisoners in the Holocaust, since he could no longer hurt them. It also affected members of the Nazi party, since he was a Nazi official. -
Dr Josef Mengele Dies
Dr Josef Mengele died at age 67. He died by drowning off the Brazilian coast. This affected survivors of Mengele, since they would have some relief that he can no longer hurt anyone.