
timeline history

By umer478
  • Period: to

    history timeline

  • new immigration act 1945

    new immigration act 1945
    Who- President Coolidge
    What- Allowed limited number of immigrants to enter the U.S
    When- 1945
    Where- United States
    Why- To allow certain and limited number of immigrants to come to U.S
    HS: It made Canada still be “white” while being able to get immigrants in from different countries.
  • Auschwitz concentration camps begins evacuation

    Auschwitz concentration camps begins evacuation
    • built and made by the Nazis
    • To kill Jews
    • 1945
    • Polish areas
    • To send Jews to their death either by execution or making them work and later on kill them HS: Jews were attempting to break free from the Germans and Hitler’s reign and they did so by fleeing one of his camps.
  • Pakistan gains independence from Britain

    Pakistan gains independence from Britain
    • My grandparents
    • Our country gained independence
    • August 14, 1947
    • In Pakistan
    • To gain independence from Britain and to be known as Pakistan not India HS: Statue of west minister and they got to be known as an individual nation.
  • India and Pakistan Border fights

    India and Pakistan Border fights
    my uncle abdul tahir fought in the war.
    - My uncle Abdul Tahir was a soldier in the fight
    - 1947 the border fights happened to separate
    HS: they were officially separated after this and were known as different countries.
  • NATO is formed

    NATO is formed
    • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    • Alliance
    • April 1949
    • Korea
    • For collective defense and to form an alliance between countries HS: NATO was the first ever peace time agreement in the western hemisphere and it was a start for something new.
  • Korean War begins

    • North and South Korea
    • A war between North and South Korea
    • 25 June 1950
    • Japan
    • To take over japan
      HS: The Korean War was an example of the US policy of containment in action. The purpose of the policy was to "contain" communism where it existed and not let it spread over any other areas in the world. It was adopted by the Truman administration and continued in one form or another by later administrations. Vietnam was another example.
  • Sir Faroz Khan replaces Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar as Prime minister of Pakistan

    Sir Faroz Khan replaces Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar as Prime minister of Pakistan
    • Faroz khan friend of my grandfather’s dad
    • He became the Prime minister of Pakistan
    • 16 December 1957
    • In Pakistan
    • He became the prime minister of Pakistan and was close to my grandfather’s dad. . HS: first PM who was also an Indian ambassador before. same as Diefenbaker who was from a german hertiage and became the PM of Canada
  • NORAD agreement is signed

    NORAD agreement is signed
    • Canada and the U.S
    • allowed its members collective security
    • 1958
    • Colorado
    • Provide the nations with security HS: Made 12 nations and a few more after work together and provide each other with security
  • Islamabad declared as the Federal Capital of the government of Pakistan

    Islamabad declared as the Federal Capital of the government of Pakistan
    he was the one who declared it from to karachi to islamabad.
    - My relatives were in Islamabad during the time this had happened.
    - during 1960 my grandfather’s dad’s relative Ayub khan shifted the capital from Karachi to Islamabad.

    HS: Allowed people to know where the main city of pakistan was and showed another part of independence.
  • New democratic party of canada is formed

    New democratic party of canada is formed
    • Tommy Douglas
    • Advocates issues such as gay rights, and international peace etc…
    • August 3, 1961
    • Ottawa
    • To take care of issues within Canada HS: Allowed changes to occur in the country and gave rights to certain groups of people as well as keeping peace with other countries
  • Advancements in technology ( throughtout all the years no specific year or date)

    Advancements in technology ( throughtout all the years no specific year or date)
    • Everybody in the world was making new inventions
    • Such as the Polaroid camera, Electric guitar etc..
    • 1945-1982 this happened so people can learn and develop new things the people were advancing farther with technology HS: People got introduced to new inventions and people made more inventions which made the world grow as well as during this time the atomic bomb was made and was also an advancement in tech.
  • Auto Pact is signed between Canada and the US

    Auto Pact is signed between Canada and the US
    • Canada-U.S
    • allowed free trade of automobiles
    • 1965
    • U.S/Canada
    • Free trade of automobiles between Canada and the U.S HS: allowed groups of automobiles in the U.S to expand their business in other places while having free trading of the vehicles and be sold in each other’s countries.
  • Olympics

    • Canada
    • The summer Olympics
    • 1970’s
    • Montreal
    • People from around the world participated in this and made people come together. HS: people from all countries got to show what they are capable of athletically. And countries got a chance to get together and try to defeat each other in a fun way.
  • John Lennon assassinated

    John Lennon assassinated
    • John Lennon
    • Assassination of musician and artist john Lennon
    • December 8, 1980
    • New York City
    • Someone wanted to kill John Lennon because of his solo career and for his pacifism and activism. HS: Change was resulted in his death people began more pacifism and activism especially musicians.
  • Immigration Act my family migrates from pakistan to canada

    Immigration Act my family migrates from pakistan to canada
    • Grandad
    • migrated from Pakistan to Canada.
    • 1982 HS: he was the first in our family to migrate to Canada. happened during the 2nd wave of immigration.