Timeline Hispania

By BecaAP
  • 500

    The Visigoths come to Roman Hispania.

  • 507

    The kingdom of Toledo.

    After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Visigoths establish a new Kingdom, the Kingdom of Toledo.
  • 589


    King Ricaredo converts to Catholicism and unites the Visigothic Kingdom under one religion.
  • 600

    St Isidoro, 1st to write an encyclopedia.

    St Isidoro of Sevilla was the first to write an encyclopedia.
    (fecha desconocida, es para ubicarla en el tiempo)
  • 711

    Battle os Guadalete.

    Muslims defeated the Visigoths at the Battle of Guadalete and Al-Andalus became part of the caliphate.
  • Period: 711 to 929

    Al-Andalus was an emirate.

    Al-Andalus was an emirate, which means that it was ruled by an emir.
  • 929

    Córdoba Caliphate.

    Abderramán III declared that al-Andalus was an independent caliphate called the Córdoba Caliphate.
  • 1000

    Taifa kingdoms.

    (11 CENTURY A. D. ) This was a period of political crisis in the Córdoba Caliphate. As a result, it was divided into small kingdoms called taifa kingdoms, each of them ruled by an emir.
  • 1200

    Kingdom of Granada

    13 CENTURY