First Alien Naturalization Act Enacted by the Newly Created US Government
Naturalization Act
Congress minimizes Naturalization Residency Requirements to 5 years
Mexico Abolished Slavery
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Results in United States Acquiring Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California, and Parts of Utah and Nevada
Know-Nothing Party Forms and Pushes for Major Restrictions on Immigrants
The Supreme Court ratifies that the 14th Amendment will grant citizenship to all who are born United States
The "Gentlemen's Agreement" is signed between the US and Japan
The US Border Patrol is established
Refugee Act of 1980 lets persecuted individuals look for asylum within the US
The Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act permits Central Americans the right to become legal residents of the US
The Section 245(i) of the Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act gives legalization to qualifying illegal aliens
"Minuteman Project" the recruitment of Civilians to Patrol the US-Mexico Border
US Supreme Court Upholds Centerpiece of 2010 Arizona Immigration Law, Rejects Other Provisions
US Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law Penalizing Businesses That Hire Undocumented Immigrants
The US Supreme Court maintains in place the Arizona Law that punishes businesses that hire illegal immigrants
President Obama permits illegal Immigrants who came to the United States as Children to stay in the US
US Supreme Court maintains 2010 Arizona Immigration Law, Senate Bill 1070