Fall of Rome
The Roman Empire colapsed. The Empire grew too large to govern. The Romans nolonger wanted to serve the army. Barbarians were hired to fight for the Romans. Slaves were used and this caused others not to be paid Civil war broke out and all of these situations lead to the fall. Fighing, confusion, strife and greed. The rich wanted more and more. and did not care how they got more. -
Period: 500 to
Timeline 500-1600
Jun 11, 633
The longbow is a type of bow that is 6 feet tall and can shoot three arrows in the time that a crass bow can shoot one. The english used them against the french because they were more powerful and more accurate. The earliest longbow known from England is dated to 2665 BC.length from 1.87 to 2.11 m 6 ft 2 in to 6 ft 11 inches with an average length of 6 ft 6 inches. -
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
Leading up to the battle lots of damage was done. William, Duke of Normandy was an experienced and skilled millitary leader and he had feared and respecded troops. William the Conqueror took over England. People that like him call him William the Conqueror and people that dont like him call him William the Bastard. -
Feb 26, 1297
Golf Balls
Hard wooden round balls were first used in the 14th century. Golf was played with a stick and leather ball stuffed with feathers. Th winner was who ever got the ball to the target in the least amount of strokes. -
Oct 2, 1346
Black Death
The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. It killed 1/3 of Europe's population and 20-54 million people. The Black Death lasted from 1346-1353. The nursery rime " Ring Around the Rosie " was based on the Black Death. The "ring around the rosie" part was because of the rash around the bite mark. The part, "pocket full of posie", they thought it was transferred by smell. "Ashes Ashes" was because they were burned. "They all fall down" was because they died. -
Apr 15, 1452
leonardo da vinci
leonardo da vinci who created masater pieces such as the Mona Lisa, Modonna of the Rocks, The Last Supper. He was an amazing artist and had one of thee most scientific minds in his time. He had a reputation for having a genious scientific mind. He was known to be showered with gifes.