Timeline from 1800-1876

  • Period: to

    First President of the Decade

    Thomas Jefferson became the first president in this decade, becoming the third U.S. president.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson buys Louisiana from France, doubling the size of America.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    U.S. explorers Lewis and Clark head west on their two-year, 8000 mile expedition to explore the newly purchased Louisiana territory.
  • Hamilton and Burr Duel

    U.S. founding fathers Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton fight a duel. Hamilton loses and dies.
  • The Battle of Tippecanoe

    At the Battle of Tippecanoe, Indigenous peoples led by Tecumseh fight and lose a major battle opposing White settlement.
  • Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal opens, making New York the Empire State.
  • The Alamo

    Texas has a legendary battle for their independence at the Alamo.
  • The Ireland Potato Famine

    Ireland is ravaged by the Great Famine, spurring one of the great migrations of people to the U.S.
  • California Gold Rush

    U.S. President James K. Polk confirms that quantities of gold have been discovered and Gold Fever strikes the thousands of people who rush to California.
  • Civil War

    The United States is torn by the Civil War.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Lt. Colonel George A. Custer meets his end in an ill-considered fight with assembled Indigenous troops at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.