The third President was elected
From 1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States -
The 4th president was elected
from 1809-1817 James Madison was president
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Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo
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Louisiana Purchase
The U.S. and Britain set the northern border of the Lousiana Purchase
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Missouri Compromise
The missouri compromise was passed
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Monroe Doctrine
Monroe Doctrine is issued -
Russia gives up its claim to land south of Alaska
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Northwest coast land
U.S. and Russia settle Northwest coast lannd claims.
Pg. 374 -
Last of the Mohicans
James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans is published
Pg. 374 -
New York bans slavery
Pg. 402 -
Indian Removel Act
Congress passes Indian Removal Act
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Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon was published
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Illionois State legislature
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Illionois Sate Legislature
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Battle of Alamo
Texans fight Battle of Alamo
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The National Road
The National Road was the nation's first federally funded highway. When completed in 1837, the gravel road extended from the eastern seaboard to Vandalia, Illinois
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William Henry
William Henry was elected president in 1841 and died one month later -
Florida becomes a state in 1845
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Smithsonian Institution
Congress establishes the Smithsonian Institution
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Kansas-Nebraska Act
Congress passes the Kansas-Nebaska Act
Pg. 427 -
Dred Scott
U.S. Supreme Court makes Dred Scott decision