Birth of Ptolemy
Death of Ptolemy
Feb 19, 1473
Copernicus' Birth
Period: 1492 to 1496
Copernicus' Time at the University of Krakow
Copernicus Elected a Canon
A canon is a priest in the cathedral. -
Returned to Warmia
He stayed at his uncle's castle and continued to study the stars. He also worked as his uncle's secretary. -
Copernicus Assumes the Canon Position
Copernicus Wrote a Short Report
He called this report "Little Commentary". It explained his heliocentric ideas. -
Copernicus Had Completed His Manuscript
Copernicus Agrees to Publication
First doubt of Ptolemy’s idea of the solar system’s structure.
Ptolemy’s theory of the structure of the solar system was that all the other planets, and the Sun, revolved around Earth. Copernicus proposed that the Sun, rather than the Earth, belonged at the middle of the solar system. -
May 24, 1543
Copernicus' Death
Feb 15, 1564
Birth of Galileo
Period: 1581 to
Galileo Studies Medicine
A supernova happened, which challenged Aristotle’s claim that no change could ever take place in the heavens
Galileo learns about a Dutch device that makes distant things look nearer.
Galileo makes his first telescope that is 4 times more powerful than the Dutch device.
Galileo saw the four largest moons orbiting around Jupiter.
This contradicted Ptolemaic theory that Earth is the center of all orbiting bodies. -
Galileo published his findings as The Starry Messenger
Galileo started observations on Venus
He found that Venus circled the Sun (as Copernicus thought), not Earth (as Ptolemy thought). But that was still not enough to prove the conclusion that Earth circles the Sun. -
Galileo published his Letters on Sunspots (findings)
This was based on his observations of the dark spots on the Sun that are caused by intense magnetic activity. -
Galileo publishes Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
He concluded that Copernicus was correct in his theory of a heliocentric model, of the solar system. -
Death of Galileo
Sir Issac Newton's Birth
Proves all colors make white light
(Sir Issac Newton) -
An Apple Fell from the Tree, Causing the Inspiration
(Sir Issac Newton) -
Becomes a Math Professor
(Sir Issac Newton) -
Started to Create the Law of Universal Gravitation
(Sir Issac Newton) -
Sir Issac Newton Wrote his Most Famous Book
Became the Royal Society President
(Sir Issac Newton) -
Publishes his Second Book
(Sir Issac Newton) -
Death of Sir Issac Newton
Birth of Mendeleev
Birth of Marie Curie
Mendeleev devises the periodic table of elements
Discovery of Polonium - by Curie
(Succesfully isolates Polonium) -
Royal Society of England awards Mendeleev the Copley Medal
Death of Mendeleev
He died of Influenza -
Death of Marie Curie