Timeline For The Origins Of Food

  • 10,000 BCE

    Origins of Breads/Cereals

    Origins of Breads/Cereals
    The origins of bread have long been associated with the emergence of agriculture and cereal domestication during the Neolithic in south-west Asia
  • 9000 BCE

    Development of Agriculture

    Development of Agriculture
    Traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyles, followed by humans since their evolution, were swept aside in favor of permanent settlements.
  • 8000 BCE

    The Domestication Of Animals

    The Domestication Of Animals
    The first animal to be domesticated was the dog. Other animals such as sheep, cows and goats.
  • 8000 BCE

    Origins of Milk

    Origins of Milk
    Humans have consumed dairy products from cows, sheep and goat for at least 10,000 years.
  • 8000 BCE

    Origin of Cheese

    Origin of Cheese
    There is no conclusive evidence indicating where cheesemaking originated, whether in Europe, Central Asia or the Middle east. The earliest proposed dates for the origin of cheesemaking range from around 8000 BCE, when sheep were first domesticated.
  • 8000 BCE

    Origin Of Meat

    Origin Of Meat
    Domestication of cattle happened around 8000 BCE, and that is when beef consumption took off.
  • 7500 BCE

    The Fertile Cresent

    The Fertile Cresent
    The fertile crescent's place among the Tigris, Euphrates, and Nile rivers once led to an abundance of riches. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/fertile-crescent/
  • 130 BCE

    Silk Road

    Silk Road
    The term 'Silk Road' refers to a network of routes used by traders for more than 1,500 years.
  • Period: 1214 to 1294

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo is one of the most famous western traveler to have journeyed on the Silk Road. He begun his journey to China in 1271 and his travels lasted for 24 years.