Timeline for the Middle Ages (CE)

  • 500

    Eastern Roman (Byzantine Empire) at its peak

  • 600

    Teotihuacan civilization is flourishing in Mexico

  • 600

    Rise of Islam

  • 700

    Mayan civilization at its height in Central America

  • 700

    Feudal system begins in Europe; peasants serve a lord in exchange for protection

  • 711

    Moors invade Spain

  • 750

    Abbasid dynasty is founded; Arab Empire at its peak

  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

  • 900

    Rise of Toltec civilization in Mexico

  • 1000

    Vikings land in North America

  • 1095

    Muslim Turks take Jerusalem and ban Christian pilgrims from the city

  • Period: 1096 to 1270

    Crusades try to rescue Jerusalem from the Muslims

  • 1215

    Genghis Khan and the Mongols invade China

  • 1271

    Marco Polo travels to China from Italy

  • 1300

    Renaissance begins in Europe

  • 1325

    Aztecs established Tenochtitlan near modern day Mexico City

  • 1368

    Foundation of the Ming dynasty in China