
Timeline for the Development of the Internet

  • Interlink of Digital Text and Media

    Interlink of Digital Text and Media
    Hypertext (Also known as the interlinking of text and media) was predicted and developed by Vennevar Bush, Ted Nelson and Douglas Engelbart around the year of 1965.
  • ARPANET developed and released

    ARPANET developed and released
    ARPANET is a network that started the base of the Internet. It was published in the year 1967, by the United States Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
  • Internet Network

    A network is developed using 15 nodes at places including University of California Los Angeles, Stanford Research Institute, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Utah and more.
  • DNS

    Domain Name System (DNS) is created and had network addresses such as .com, .org, and .edu. William Gibson called it “cyberspace.”
  • Archie was developed and created

    Archie, the first interntet search engine (for File Transfer Protocols sites) was developed and created by McGill University in the year 1990.
  • WWW is Create

    The World Wide Web is created by Tim Berners-Lee and was a digital medium.
  • ISOC is established

    ISOC is established
    In 1992, ISOC, a non-profit organisation is established. It has been leading the Internet ever since.
  • Mosaic is Launched

    Mosaic is Launched
    This was a web browser that made the Internet more popular by bring text and graphics together.
  • Email became assessible after its development

    Email became assessible after its development
    The invention and development of emails is the bedrock of Internet-based communications, by making it more accessible due to the fact it offered the first free web-based email service.
  • Wikipedia is Launched

    Wikipedia is Launched
    Wikipedia is launched. It gave open access to information and allows anyone to edit and contribute to the site.
  • Mobile Web and Internet-Enabled Mobile Apps

    Mobile Web and Internet-Enabled Mobile Apps
    This made accessing the Internet easier and more convenient. The mobile app and mobile-friendly webpages allowed easy access to the Internet and was better than desktop access.