Timeline for science

  • Tree Conserves

    Tree Conserves
    Pennsylvania colony governor William Penn ordered colonists to conserve one tree for every five cut down.
  • The Lacy Act

    The Lacy Act
    The Lacey Act prohibited the transport of illegally obtained wildlife across state lines, and outlawed hunting in Yellowstone National Park.
  • National Park Service

    National Park Service
    Congress established the National Park Service. Today there are approximately 400 national parks across America, comprising approximately 4% of the entire U.S., or 84.6 billion acres of preserved land.
  • Air Pollution Survey

    Air Pollution Survey
    Salt Lake City was the first U.S. city to conduct a large scale survey of air pollution.
  • Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    Congress passed the Bald Eagle Preservation Act to prevent the extinction of the national symbol. The bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list in 2007.
  • Water Quality Act

    Water Quality Act
    President Johnson signed the Water Quality Act to strengthen federal water pollution laws and outline water quality guidelines for states.
  • Global Warming Warning

    Global Warming Warning
    NASA warned Congress of the effects of global warming.
  • The Earth Summit

    The Earth Summit
    The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, resulting in the signing of the Convention on Climate Change and the Earth Charter, a global pledge to control global warming.
  • Live Concert Awareness

    Live Concert Awareness
    Live Earth concerts around the world featured Madonna, the Black Eyed Peas, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, and the Beastie Boys, to raise awareness of climate change.
  • Great Lakes Compact

    Great Lakes Compact
    Great Lakes Compact signed by all eight Great Lakes states in an attempt to prevent distribution and sale of water to non-regions.