10,000 BCE
Agricultural Revolution
Industrial Revolution
John Muir was Born
John Muir was well known as one of the first men to vouch for the protection of the wilderness and nature. He is also the founder of the Sierra Club. -
Walden by David Thoreau was published
The book Walden by David Thoreau was a nature writing about how important the natural world is and how the Industrial Revolution was negatively impacting humanity. -
The Homestead Act was signed
The Homestead Act, signed into effect by President Lincoln, provided 160 acres of federal land to settlers, allowing them to own it after a certain number of years. -
Yellowstone National Park founded
American Forestry Association Founded
The American Forestry Association, more now commonly known as American Forests, is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting America's forests. -
Aldo Leopold was born
Aldo Leopold was considered to be the "father of the American Wilderness conservation system and the science of wildlife management". He dedicated most of his life to his career of conservationist writings. -
Yosemite and Sequoia National Park Founded
General Revision Act
The General Revision Act of 1891 reformed many previous acts that allowed the monopolization of private lands. It allowed for a large majority of private land to be used for the public. -
Sierra Club founded
The Sierra Club is an organization with the purpose of fighting for the preservation of Earth's natural resources. -
Lacey Act
The Lacey Act was signed to ban the trafficking of wildlife that has been illegally obtained in the United States. -
Golden Age of Conservation begins
First national wildlife refuge established
U.S. Forest Service Founded
The United States Forest Service is an agency of the USDA which serves to protect all of the United States' national forests and grasslands. -
Gifford Pinchot
Gifford Pinchot served as the first Chief of the United States Forest Service. -
Audubon Society Founded
The National Audubon Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to conservation. -
Antiquities Act
The Antiquities Act was the first law that established archaeological sites on public land are important public resources. -
Congress v. Roosevelt
Congress became upset because Roosevelt was waving so much forest land that they banned further withdrawals. -
Golden Age of Conservation ends
The U.S. National Park Service was founded
The U.S. National Park Service is the federal bureau responsible for protecting all 35 national parks and monuments. -
Dust Bowl begins
Civilian Conservation Corps founded
The Civilian Conservation corps was a program from the New Deal that employed young unmarried men into environmental projects. -
Soil Conservation Service founded
The Soil Conservation Service, now known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service is an agency of the USDA that assists farmers and other landowners. -
Taylor Grazing Act passed
The Taylor Grazing Act is a law that provides regulation for the grazing on public lands. -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
The Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, known commonly now as the Federal Duck Stamp is a stamp issued by the federal government needing to be purchased by hunters before hunting for waterfowl. -
End of Dust Bowl
Fish and Wildlife Service founded
The US Fish and Wildlife Service is dedicated to the management of all fish, wildlife, and natural habitats. -
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
The FIFRA Act sets up basic pesticide regulations to ensure safety of applicators, consumers, and the environment. -
Silent Spring published by Rachel Carson
The book Silent Spring is an environmental science book that records the effects of the use of pesticides. -
Wilderness act
The Wilderness Act provided the legal definition of wilderness in the US. -
Clean Air Act
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act was a law passed to preserve rivers with natural, cultural, and recreational values in order for all generations to enjoy them. -
The Cuyahoga River fire
In Ohio, the Cuyahoga River was polluted with industrial waste, which eventually caught fire, causing $100,000 in damages. -
NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act)
NEPA is a law that promotes the enhancement of the environment. -
First ever Earth Day
Environmental Protection Agency Established
Endangered Species Act
OPEC Oil Embargo
In October 1973, the members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries began an oil embargo, targeting nations they perceived as supporters of Israel during the Yom Kippur war. -
Roland and Molina (UCI) announce that CFCs are depleting the ozone layer
RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)
The RCRA is a law that governs the disposal of hazardous waste. -
Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act is a law that prevents waste from being dumped into waterways, unless permits are obtained. -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act is the primary law that regulates the environmental effects of coal mining. -
Love Canal, NY incident
Love Canal is a neighborhood in New York in which a massive pollution disaster harmed the health hundreds of residents. -
Three Mile Island Accident
The Three Mile Island accident is an event that occurred where a nuclear reactor melted down in Dauphin County, PA. It was the most significant accident in the United States power plant history. -
Alaskan Lands Act
The Alaskan Lands Act is a law that provides guidance in the management of all public Alaskan lands. -
CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)
Bhopal disaster
The Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal had a gas leak incident in which thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands were injured. Considered the worst industrial disaster of all time. -
Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near Pripyat. -
Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty that is designed to protect the ozone layer by banning products that contain chemicals that contribute to the destruction of it. -
Exxon Valdez
The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Price William Sound, Alaska. Some pockets of oil still remain there to this day. -
Energy Policy Act of 1992
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 was passed with the goal of increasing clean energy use and improving energy efficiency in the United States. -
Desert Protection Act of 1994
The California Desert Protection Act is a federal law that established the Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks and the Mojave National Preserve. -
Kyoto Protocol is signed
The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty in which the parties agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. -
World population hits 6 billion
Kyoto Protocol is put into effect
IPCC Report on Climate Change
Gulf Oil Spill
Nuclear Disaster in Japan
World population hits 7 billion
California Drought Causes Concerns
UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) Held in Paris, France
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