
Timeline for Russian Revolution Civil War and Lenin

  • Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto January 22 1905 – June 161907

    Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto  January 22 1905 –  June 161907
    This image depicts Bloody Sunday, an event that started on January 22, 1905, in St. Petersburg, Russia. This picture illustrates unarmed men, women, and children marching towards the Winter Palace as a petition against Tsar Nicholas II. The significance of this picture is that the peaceful protesters were later massacred, leading to widespread discontent and outrage, marking the beginning of the Revolution of 1905. This picture captures the beginning of major political and societal changes.
  • Beginning of WWI

    Beginning of WWI
    Based on the picture, it can be argued that the start of WWI was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His killer was a Bosnian Serb nationalist therefore creating political tensions between Serbia and Austro-Hungary. The picture is significant as the tensions mentioned in the newspaper led to Austria declaring war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. Austria declaring war on Serbia is what sparked the involvement of other allies.
  • Tsar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations

    Tsar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations
    This picture shows Tsar Nicholas II on the front lines with soldiers. Before this opportunity, when Tsar Nicholas II first presented the opportunity to replace his cousin as commander-in-chief, the cabinet unanimously voted against it in fear that it would negatively reflect him and setback the army. This image is significant as it illustrates Tsar Nicholas II on a horse directly on the front lines to assert his dominance and control over the military as they're in a collective stance, guns up.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    Photo shows the Russian military going to war. The Brusilov Offensive was the biggest offensive led by Russia. It was the most successful, but also led to devastating consequences to Russian land and agriculture.
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    The image shows the murder of Grigori Rasputin, a controversial Russian figure who maintained power over the royal family. Rasputin's assassination in December was a significant event leading up to the revolutions of 1917. This picture illustrates the unrest among the Russian people and the unraveling of Russian authority thanks to Rasputin. This picture is also significant because his death sparked rumors about his role in the downfall of tsarist rule, further aiding the uncertainty at the time
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    The photo shows what the Cheka usually looked like. they didn't have a specific uniform although most wore long black leather coats and hats. This men were perceived as intimidating because of there acts of violence against those who opposed the views of the Bolshevik political party.
  • Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd

    Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd
    This picture shows the Red Guard unit of the Vulcan Factory. Shows the support to overthrow the Provisional Government in Russia.
  • Provisional Government formed

    Provisional Government formed
    The significance of this picture lies in illustrating the 12 individuals who obtained these leadership roles during this point in time for Russia. The provisional government (made up of politicians from the Duma and moderate socialists) was trying to guide Russia through political and social reforms amidst the revolution, even so, they only ruled for a short period of time (8 months)
  • International Women’s Day March in Petrograd

    International Women’s Day March in Petrograd
    The image represents the March 8, 1917, march in Petrograd where thousands of female textile workers marched and went on strike as they demanded bread because food was no longer affordable due to the surge in inflation. This photo is significant as it highlights the unity between the classes as men and soldiers showed up to protest for bread as well. Another important aspect that the photo highlights is the integral role women had in the revolution and how it was a struggle for change in Russia.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    This image depicts the signed act of abdication by Tsar Nicholas II, marking the end of Tsarist rule over Russia. The abdication letter seen in the image symbolizes the collapse of the autocratic regime and an introduction to a new era of rule in Russia
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    Lenin returns from Western Europe to Russia to spread his Bolshevik views! Photo shows Lenin leading a large group of people. He starts gathering people to overthrow and encourage support against the Provisional government. He is also shown spreading Soviet propaganda and Marxists ideology onto many Russians to gain support for his views
  • April Theses published

    April Theses published
    The April These published by Lenin. Picture shows the book. It was a book that criticized the provisional government and called for Soviet control of state power. The page itself contained, "Bread, Peace, Land" a famous quote said by many Russian revolutionists during the Civil War.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
    Picture shows group of Soviets meeting together in congress. A major moving point for the Russian Revolution and a sign that the Provisional government was collapsing. This meeting was an opportunity for Lenin to express his Bolshevik views and ideology
  • July Days

    July Days
    July 16-20, 1917, Picture shows the civil unrest between the upper powers and the working class in Russia. Both workers and soldiers were on the streets in retaliation against the Provisional Government. People ran to the streets, rioted, and protested.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    Picture shows the last stop before Kornilov rebellion against the Provisional government, and the takeover of the Bolsheviks. Although he failed, he still impacted in the creation of the Red Guard later in 1917.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
    Picture shows the Bolsheviks storming the Winter palace to overthrow the Provisional government. Bolsheviks seized Petrograd and gained control of Russia. This officially put Lenin in power, and control of the Russian state putting an end to the Provisional Government.
  • Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded

    Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
    The photo shows the last constituent assembly were the soviet government was rejected by 237 votes to 136 votes. Shown through the packed room. The opposition of the assembly to the soviet government is lead to its ultimate dissolve.
  • Wartime Communism created

    Wartime Communism created
    In the photo Russian civilian's are carrying stretchers showing how even through the changes in Russia made from the economic policy like abolishment of private property and nationalization of industry had some benefits. In the home front citizen's were still struggling with food shortages and famines that led to death
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The map shows through the arrows and red line with the help of a slight shading over Russia territory. where Russia was being pressured by the central powers. showing how Russia's front line had to push back.
  • red terror

    red terror
    Illustrated in the photo citizens are currently protesting against the dominating political party the Bolsheviks. shown through the poster. however the repercussions of these actions were fatal at the time because any acts of counter revolutionary movements led you to imprisonment of death by the Cheka.
  • Poles Move Towards Kiev

    Poles Move Towards Kiev
    April 1920- May 7, 1920
    The photo includes Polish soldiers in Kiev in May 1920. It shows how the Polish army and the Ukrainian People's Republic's army came together to push back the Soviets. Their common goal to kick the enemy out of Kiev is depicted in this image.
  • Soviets Attempt to Take Warsaw

    Soviets Attempt to Take Warsaw
    The image is a Russian Bolshevik propaganda poster that encouraged the population to enlist in the army and try to take over Poland completely. The illustration of Poles being like clowns illustrates the Bolsheviks' perspective on the nation.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    The picture is a map of Russia and where the Tambov Rebellion was mainly located. The vast coverage of land and its position close to Moscow was one of the reasons the Bolsheviks became concerned with the rebellion.
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    Kronstadt Uprising
    March 1, 1921 to March 18,1921
    The photo is all of the demands made by the rebels, such as the election of free soviets and freedom of speech and press. This documents represent how much the Russians disagreed with the Bolsheviks.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism

    Ending of Wartime Communism
    The image illustrates the differences between War Communism and the New Economic Policy. War Communism focuses on the Communists controlling everything and forcing farmers to starve with little food. NEP encourages private ownership, small businesses, and farming.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    The photo includes the negotiators Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. The men in the image was rejoicing the treaty is the start of a new era: both Germany and Russia creating secret treaties to strengthen their weakened army.
  • Formation of the Soviet Union

    Formation of the Soviet Union
    The image illustrates the vast amount of land that the Bolsheviks have gained and now formally established their own nation: the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics. The picture also depicts that now, the Bolsheviks are in power and have won the Civil War.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet control
    The photo bellow shows the evolution of Ukraine's territory through the years 1922-1954. Shown in the photo Ukraine gained some land after joining the USSR although the main portion stayed the same. Shown through the green color
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    The informational poster is about Lenin's death. The Russians thought the great leader of their nation would recover, yet died unexpectedly. According to the poster, his death was a huge blow tot he nation, yet the Bolsheviks will continue to spread and maintain his ideas. This emphasized the dedication of the nation and their loyalty.