Timeline for Russian Revolution, Civil War, and Lenin

  • Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto

    Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto
    The revolution of 1905 took place in January 1905 when the people of Russia were disagreeing with the Tsar and their actions due to the results of the Russo-Japanese War. Soon after this, the October Manifesto put in place a constitutional monarchy so that the tsar could create some control over the people.
    Picture: The October Manifesto
  • Beginning of WW I

     Beginning of WW I
    The beginning of WW1 took place on July 1914. The start of WW1 was because Archduke Ferdinand was killed. Germany showed their support to Austria-Hungry, so Austria-Hungry declared war. With the involvement of both Austria-Hungry and Germany, other countries in result became involved with the war leading it to be the first ‘world war.’
    Picture: The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
  • Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations

    Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations
    Czar Nicholas II took sole control of military operations September 1915 to help improve Russia’s military, therefore leaving Tsarina Alexandra in control of Russia. This ended up failing when Russia continued to lose men in their military.
    Picture: Tsar Nicholas II control over the military
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    Also known as the “June Advance” happened in June to September of 1916. It was one of most lethal offences in history and scared the Russian Empire.
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    In Russia during WW1, Nicholas II was leading the military, leaving Alexandra to be the Tsar of Russia. During this time ruling, her actions and authority were often influenced by a man known as Grigori Rasputin. The people of Russia were not happy with this that ultimately ended with his assassination on December 30th 1916.
    Picture: The assassination of Rasputin
  • Kolchak begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia

    Kolchak begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia
    During the Russian Civil War, 1917-1922, General Kolchak led the White Army to overthrow the socalist ideas of the Bolsheviks, however, the dispute resulted in a Bolshevik victory. regarding the image, there is a clear representation of Kolchak and the White Army fighting for their right to have differing political views within Russia. Significantly, this exemplifies the idea that there were brave groups of people willing to go against the Bolshevik leaders for the bettering of the nation.
  • Provisional Government formed

    Provisional Government formed
    The Provisional Government was formed on March 2nd, 1917. The formation of this government was to control the peasants to stop them from starting revolutions because they didn’t believe in the autocratic ruling.
    Picture: The provisional committee of the state Duma
  • International Women’s Day March in Petrograd

    International Women’s Day March in Petrograd
    The International Women’s Day March that took place on March 8th, 1917 in Petrograd was where the women, generally textile workers, started a strike to demand bread for their families. The Women of Petrograd became their family’s providers because the men in each household were all taken to fight in the war taking place, which started the February and March revolutions.
    Picture: The International Women’s Day March in Petrograd
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    Nicholas II renounced his throne when his plan to help Russia’s Military failed. Russia continued to keep losing more and more soldiers and land. He was exiled from Russia on March 15th, 1917.
    Picture: A newspaper article about Nicholas II abdicating the throne
  • April Theses published

    April Theses published
    The April Theses was created by Lenin and was Published on April 7th, 1917. The thesis talked about how he wanted to relinquish the Provisional Government with 10 different points.
    Picture: The April Theses from Vladimir Lenin
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    The day Lenin returned from exile from Russia was April 16th, 1917. Lenin wanted to take advantage of Russia’s vulnerability during 1917 to develop Russia into a country that was ideal for the working class but ultimately led to his exile.
    Picture: Lenin returning back to Russia after his exile
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
    The First All-Russia Congress of Soviet met on June 16th, 1917 in Petrograd. The Congress consisted of Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and Bolsheviks that governed Russia.
    Picture: The first all-Russian congress of soviets meet
  • July Days

    July Days
    A period of time where unrest and revolts happened in Petrograd, Russia from July 3-17th. Soldiers, sailors, and factory workers participating in opposition to the Russian Provisional Government staged spontaneous armed protests.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    From September 10-13, 1917, the Russian Army's commander-in-chief, General Lavr Kornilov, attempted a military coup d'état against the Russian Provisional Government led by Aleksander Kerensky and the Petrograd Soviet of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
    The Bolsheviks came into power after the Russian monarchy was overthrown in March 1917. They came into power through terrorizing and causing ciaos.
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    The Cheka was the first successful secret police organization for the Soviet Union. The organization was created on December 7th, 1917. The point is to investigate and take down threats to the government. The Cheka also initiated terror and fear throughout Russia.
  • Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded

    Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
    The assembly was for 13 hours on January 5-6th 1918 from 4pm-5am. The All-Russian Central Committee was dissolved, therefore, making the Third All Russian Congress of Soviets the new governing body of Russia.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Liotvsk was signed on March 3rd, 1918 and was said that Russia must recognize the independence of Ukraine, Georgia, and Finland. Germany and Austria-Hungary gained Poland and the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia; and Turkey gained Kars, Ardahan, and Batum.
  • Trotsky organizes the Red Guard to defend Petrograd:

    Trotsky organizes the Red Guard to defend Petrograd:
    The industrial workers who are armed and volunteered to defend Petrograd during the revolution. They played an important role of the Bolsheviks taking control of the soviet government.
  • Wartime Communism

    Wartime Communism
    Wartime Communism was created in order to help the Reds win the Russian Civil war. Everyone was required to help and grain was taken forcefully from the peasants. It also nationalized industrialization. From June 1918-March 1921
  • Red Terror

    Red Terror
    Is the intimidation, arrests, crime, and executions were all part of a Bolshevik-ordered operation. It started in mid-1918, after an attempted assassination of Vladimir Lenin, and was mostly carried out by the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet control
    Result of the Soviet- Ukrainian war (1917-1921). Officially announced as under their control in 1919. The control did not collapse until 1991. Ukraine was brought under the Soviet control due to the spreading of the Bolshevik regime & strengthening of the Ukranian Bolshevik Republic groups. In the image, the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic flag is shown, essentially illustrating the overall power and influence the Soviets obtained to overrule a numerous number of countries.
  • Poles move toward Kiev

    Poles move toward Kiev
    From April 24th-June 13th, 1920 the Kiev Offense took place as Polish and Ukrainian Allies attempted to take over modern-day Ukraine which was under the control of the Bolsheviks following the Russian Revolution. Pictured is the Polish army, during the period of the Kiev offense, discussing their next move & plan for military advance towards the territory where they were met by Bolshevik attacks in order to attempt to preserve & maintain their established leadership and land over Soviet Russia.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

     Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    On August 12th-25th, 1920, Russian Soviet forces launched an attack on Warsaw, forcing the Polish to retreat & stand their ground. As the Soviets executed their plan to take over Warsaw, (Poland city), Russian victory was predicted as they outnumbered and out-strengthened almost all of their enemies. The picture shows the Bolsheviks holding flags as marking their control over Warsaw, essentially demonstrating their determination to gain more power/territory throughout the Western part of Europe.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    This rebellion (1920-1921) was recognized as one of the largest & most efficiently planned out peasant revolts. It's purpose was to challenge the Bolshevik regime during the Russian Civil War. However, despite large and organized peasant army, the Bolsheviks still succeeded, killing 15,000 peasants. The picture shows the Bolshevik party and leaders standing their ground and proudly holding their flag, which demonstrates the loss of the peasants during this much needed revolution.
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    Kronstadt Uprising
    1921 insurrection of Soviet sailors, soldiers, and civilians against the Bolshevik government in the port city of Kronstadt. This uprising lasted from March 7, 1921- March 17, 1921. Stephan Petrichenko led the rebels (sailors, soldiers, and civilians) in demanding reforms and fighting back against the Bolsheviks. Shown in the image are Red Army troops attacking at Kronstadt, though the uprising ended in yet another Bolshevik victory.
  • End of wartime communism

    End of wartime communism
    Was abolished on March 21, 1921 & replaced by the more favored New Economic Program, which was also put to an end in 1928. The war communism concept failed due to food shortages, famine, & constant rebellion. The image incorporated here is a representation of the inefficiencies of wartime communism & is a visual depiction of why it was ended. The cruelty towards peasants is being shown, as well as the constant advisory the peasants faced by the man on the right (gov/secret police/etc).
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Signed April 16, 1922 in Rapallo, Italy. It was made between the German Republic & the Russian Soviets. It provided immediate resumption of diplomatic relativism & renounced all territorial & financial claims as stated in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Both sides involved agreed to military and economic cooperation. The image illustrates the 2 nations finally setting aside their differences & making modification to the Treaty of Versailles, highlighting an end in tension between the nations.
  • Formation of Soviet Union

    Formation of Soviet Union
    December 30, 1922. This union was solidified after the implementation of a 1922 treaty between Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Transcaucasia agreed on this. Led by Lenin, a marxist revolutionary. Also known as the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” (USSR). The image depicts the flag of the Soviet Union as it was officially formed by Vladmir Lenin.
  • Vladmir Lenin's death

    Vladmir Lenin's death
    January 21, 1924 in Gorki Leninskiye, Russia. He died at the age of 53. Official cause of death: recorded as an incurable disease of the blood vessels and was pronounced dead after falling into a coma. Lenin is pictured here on his deathbed, representing the end of his life, though his morals and beliefs/legacy live on.