timeline for revolution

  • contenental congress meets

    all colonies but georga
  • Continental congress votes

    decided to boycott all British trade
    some colonies formed malicas
    voted to send statement of grievances
  • 1000 of redcoats in boston

    brings thousands of troups to Boston with more on the way
  • battle of concord

    americans force brittish to retreat
    american victory
  • battle of bunker hill

    fought on breeds hill
    "don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes"
    British victory
  • second continental congress meets

    formed continental army led by George Washington
    printed money
    set up post office
    sent a petition called the olive branch petition (for peace)
    - king sent 30,000 hessian solders in response
  • midnight ride of Paul revere

    warns the sons of liberty that the redcoats were comming
  • battle of lexington

    1st battle of american revolution
    "shot heard around the world"
    British victory
  • capture of fort Ticonderoga

    gotten by firing no bullets
    British didn't know what was coming for them
  • Washington arrives outside of Boston

    men are disorganized and need discipline
    Washington needs canons and wepons
  • common sense published by Tomas Paine

    pamphlet inspires Americans to become patriots
  • British surrender Boston

    ready when weapons arrive
    puts cannons on Dorchester heights overlooking Boston
    British retreat- American victory
  • second continental congress meets again

    they debate declaring independence
    Tomas Jefferson is the primary author of the document
  • the second contenental congress votes for independence

    all colonies
  • declaration is signed
