Фон для

Timeline for computer history

  • Period: to


  • Invention of the punched card

    Invention of the punched card
  • Thomas adding machine, the first mechanical calculating device

    Thomas adding machine, the first mechanical calculating device
  • Charles Babbage's Difference Engine

    Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
  • Hollerith tabulator, the first automatic computing device

    Hollerith tabulator, the first automatic computing device
  • Invention of the point transistor

    Invention of the point transistor
  • Turing machine (MT)

    Turing machine (MT)
  • Z1 designed by Konrad Zuse

    Z1 designed by Konrad Zuse
  • "Mark I", the first computer, by IBM

    "Mark I", the first computer, by IBM

    the first general purpose electronic digital computer that could be reprogrammed for a wide range of tasks.
  • Period: to

    First generation computers

  • Bell Labs point transistor amplifier

    Bell Labs point transistor amplifier
  • Manchester Small Experimental Machine

    Manchester Small Experimental Machine
  • EDSAC - the first computers.

    EDSAC - the first computers.
  • Period: to

    Computers of the second generation

  • first implemented high-level programming language

    first implemented high-level programming language
  • Creation of ASCII

    Creation of ASCII
  • Period: to

    Third generation computers

  • System 360

    System 360
  • Microprocessor created

    Microprocessor created
  • Period: to

    Present - fourth generation computers

  • Computer Datapoint 2200

    Computer Datapoint 2200
  • Computer Terminal Corporation

  • Xerox Alto is the first computer with a windowed interface.

    Xerox Alto is the first computer with a windowed interface.
  • MITS began production of the Altair 8800 computer

  • фирма MOS Technology, Inc. computer KIM-1,

    фирма MOS Technology, Inc. computer KIM-1,
  • Apple Computer I

    Apple Computer I
  • Commodore first computer

    Commodore first computer
  • IBM PC Convertible - the first laptop

    IBM PC Convertible - the first laptop
  • Apple Computers — Power PC.

  • First generation iMac desktop computer

    First generation iMac desktop computer
  • Windows ME и Windows 2000

  • Windows XP

  • Apple has released the Mac mini.

    Apple has released the Mac mini.
  • Apple has released the MacBook Pro.

    Apple has released the MacBook Pro.
  • Apple released the MacBook and MacBook Air laptops.

    Apple released the MacBook and MacBook Air laptops.