Beginnings: Date of Birth
I was born at 240am at Royal Oak Beaumont -
First Two Years
I learned to crawl.
Age: 5 months
Biosocial -
First Two Years
I got my first tooth.
Age: 7 months
Biosocial -
First Two Years
My first encounter wth Santa Claus, I was terrified of him.
Age: 8 months
Psychosocial -
First Two Years
I said my first word, it was "no".
Age: 11 months
Cognitive -
Early Childhood
My parents got divorced and my sister and I moved with my mom to a new house in Warren.
Age: 3
Psychosocial -
Early Childhood
We moved from Warren to Oxford, we got our first puppy. His name was Jake.
Age: 4
Psychosocial -
Early Childhood
I learned to ride a bike in the cul-de-sac in front of our house.
Age: 5
Biosocial -
Early Childhood
My mom remarried. Chris became our new stepdad. My sister and I were in the wedding.
Age: 5
Psychosocial -
Early Childhood
I started school (kindergarten) at Clear Lake Elementary School in Oxford, MI.
Age: 5
Cognitive -
Middle Childhood
I started dance classes. I did tap, jazz, and ballet.
Age: 6
Biosocial -
Middle Childhood
We moved to Indiana with my mom and stepdad. We had to start going to a new school with new people. It was a very hard time for my sister and I.
Age: 9
Psychosocial -
Middle Childhood
I was in my first spelling bee, I did not win.
Age: 10
Cognitive -
I started highschool at Lake Orion High School.
Age: 14
Cognitive -
I decided to join the bowling team, I ended up bowling all four years during high school and I really enjoyed it.
Age: 14
Biosocial -
I started dating my first boyfriend, Drew.
Age: 15
Psychosocial -
Emerging Adulthood
I started my college career at Michigan State University.
Age: 18
Cognitive -
Emerging Adulthood
I earned my bachelor's degree in communication and graduated from MSU.
Age: 22
Cognitive -
Emerging Adulthood
I started my career in the medical field as a Medical Assistant working for University of Michigan's Health System.
Biosocial -
Emerging Adulthood
I started dating my first long-term boyfriend, Craig, that I plan on marrying later in life.
Age: 24
Psychosocial -
I hope to start PA (Physician's Assistant) school somewhere in Michigan.
Age: 27
Cognitive -
I place to get married to my current boyfriend.
Age: 29
Psychosocial -
I plan to start a family and have my first child.
Age: 30
Biosocial -
Late Adulthood
I hope to have many grandchildren.
Age: 65
Biosocial -
Late Adulthoood
I plan to retire around the same time as my husband so we can enjoy the rest of our lives together.
Age: 70
Psychosocial -
Late Adulthood
I would like to learn some new things to keep busy after retirement. Learn to quilt.
Age: 75
Cognitive -
Epilogue: Death and Dying
Age: 85