
By Sg20107
  • Galileo

    Galileo looked at the sky with the first telescope
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton built the first reflecting telescope
  • Hypothesis

    A object in motion stays in motion
  • Hypothesis

    Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration
  • Hypothesis

    To every action there is a equal and opposite reaction
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1 launched
  • Vanguard 1

    Vanguard 1 was launched
  • First human in space

    The first human was launched into space and to orbit
  • First astronaut

    The first us astronaut to reach space
  • Space craft

    The first space craft to orbit past Neptun
  • First photo

    The first photo of the whole solar system by USA
  • Asteroid landing

    The first landing on a astroid
  • Mercury orbit

    The first orbit past Mercury
  • James webb

    The first James Webb telescope will launch